It is so nice to see that Chet Crocker is still "constructively engaged."

Steven Zahniser

On Mon, 19 May 1997, Mark Weisbrot wrote:
>  "The point is that we and our friends control the keys to the clubs and the 
> treasuries that Kabila will need to tap if he is going to rebuild the 
> country -- the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, our development 
> funds, and those of the Europeans."
>  -- Chester Crocker, former Assistant Secretary of State for Africa from 
> 1981 to 1989 and now a professor at Georgetown University, explaining why 
> the US would still have "a tremendous amount of influence" over the new 
> government in Zaire, despite having installed and helped to maintain one of 
> the most corrupt dictatorships on earth in that country for the last 32 
> years.  (NYT, Saturday, May 17,1997, p.A6)

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