Max Sawicky wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Nicola Bullard
> Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 3:36 AM
> Subject: URGENT: Act now for East Timor
> Friends -
> As part of the international effort to maintain pressure on the UN and
> the Government of Indonesia to act immediately to stop the massacre
> in East Timor, we are circulating this statement.
> Please sign on and return the statement to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> by 5pm Bangkok time on Thursday 9 September. We will consolidate
> the list and fax the statement to the UN, ASEAN, the Government of
> Indonesia and APEC heads of state immediately. Please use the
> statement in any other way that is useful.
> Thankyou.
> Nicola Bullard
> Sept. 7, 1999
> To Secretary General Kofi Annan. United Nations; Secretary General
> Rodolfo Severino, Association of Southeast Asian Nations; all heads
> of state; the community of nations
>                     End the Terror in East Timor
> The world failed East Timor once, in 1975, when it  offered little protest
> to the bloody annexation of that country by Indonesia.  Key
> international actors, including Australia, the United States, and
> ASEAN, either supported the takeover behind the scenes or tacitly
> approved of it.  For the next 24 years, many governments engaged in a
> conspiracy of silence as over 200,000 Timorese lost their lives under
> Jakarta’s harsh rule.
> The world cannot afford to fail the people of East Timor again.  As
> Indonesian troops and Indonesia-supported militiamen wreak mayhem
> on the people after the historic vote for independence last week, it is
> imperative that we act to prevent an act of ethnic cleansing on the
> scale of Bosnia and Kosovo.
> The United Nations must immediately constitute an armed
> peacekeeping mission and send it to Timor within hours.  Every
> minute now counts if we are to prevent a massive massacre.
> The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) must condemn
> the Indonesian government’s abetting the  massacre and offer police
> and troops from its member countries—with the exception of
> Indonesia--to serve as the core of the peacekeeping mission.
> Indonesia must immediately withdraw its police and soldiers, disarm
> the militiamen, and stop expelling Timorese from their homeland on the
> pretext of helping them escape the violence.
> Indonesia must immediately recognize the overwhelming vote for
> independence, release Xanana Gusmao, and allow Gusmao, Jose
> Ramos Horta, and other key Timorese leaders to freely travel through
> Indonesia and to East Timor to participate in constituting a
> government.
> The UN General Assembly must convoke a special session to
> immediately recognize East Timor’s independence and impose
> sanctions on Indonesia for failing to provide the order and security
> that it promised in the Tripartite Agreement of May 5, 1999.
> The big powers, as well as Australia and New Zealand, must refrain
> from taking unilateral military action, the short term gains of which
> would be outweighed by the long- term instability to which such an
> action would plunge Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.
> The international community must act now to spare a
> small nation whose identity was forged in 24 years of heroic
> defiance of repression from further bloodshed.
> Council for Alternative Security in the Asia-Pacific
> Focus on the Global South
> Focus on the Global South (FOCUS)
> c/o CUSRI, Chulalongkorn University
> Bangkok 10330 THAILAND
> Tel: 662 218 7363/7364/7365/7383
> Fax: 662 255 9976
> Web Page

Ole Fjord Larsen,
the formative world parliament of 
the united peoples

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