East Timor is now literally burning, with hundreds of thousands of people
driven from their homes in the last few days, hundreds killed. The United
Nations is pulling out of East Timor tonight (US time), which may be the
prelude to an unfathomable slaughter of Timorese by Indonesian forces in
the days to come.

There is good reason to believe this can all be stopped, if the U.S. and
the "international community" applies sufficient pressure. Among other
things, this should mean a cut off of all funds to Indonesia from the
World Bank and IMF. The Fund and Bank have both condemned the violence in
East Timor, but this is easily brushed off by Indonesia. It is critical
that both institutions immediately deliver forceful messages that funds
will be cut off, indefinitely, unless the terror in Timor comes to an
immediate end.

Action on these matters is incredibly time sensitive, so please call right

At the Bank, call World Bank President James Wolfensohn at 202-458-2907
(fax: 202-522-0355). Urge him to suspend financial assistance to
Indonesia unless it complies immediately with UN demands to end the
violence in East Timor. Also call the Executive Director for the United
States to the World Bank, Ms. Jan Piercy at 202-458-0110 (fax:
202-477-2967). Ask that the U.S. demand the suspension of assistance
to Indonesia.

At the Fund, call 202-623-7000 and ask for Managing Director Michel
Camdessus (fax: 202-623-4661). Urge him to suspend financial assistance to
Indonesia unless it complies immediately with UN demands to end the
violence in East Timor. Also call the U.S. representative to the IMF,
Karin Lissakers, 202-623-7759 (fax: 202-623-4940). Again, ask that the
U.S. demand the suspension of assistance to Indonesia.

Please spread this alert widely. An alert from the East Timor Action
Network follows below.

Robert Weissman
Essential Information                   |   Internet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

East Timor Action Network (ETAN)

U.S. Government Inaction Results in More Death
as Wave After Wave of Violence Sweeps East Timor

Call Today to Demand an End to the Killing.

Your action can save lives!

Less than 24 hours after the UN announced that more than
78% of registered voters in East Timor voted to reject
Indonesia's autonomy package, Indonesian military and
paramilitary forces sharply escalated their campaign of terror.

All observers from the International Federation for East Timor
Observer Project (IFET-OP) have been forced to evacuate
East Timor due to rampant violence by both paramilitary
forces and TNI (Indonesian military forces), including the
Kopassus Special Forces, known for its atrocious human rights

Dili is burning; the streets are deserted and refugees are
amassing in churches and other relief centers.

Many children are among the dead.  Paramilitary forces roam
the streets of Dili unimpeded, while joint militia/army roadblocks
block entrance to and exit from the capitol. The paramilitaries
and TNI are systematically targeting buildings which house

With the evacuation of UN staff and media from outlying towns,
foreign observers are unable to confirm the extent of violence
outside Dili, but it is believed to be severe.

Hundreds of houses have been burned and dozens killed in
Maliana alone.

Reports have come in of mutilated bodies littering the road to
West Timor. Thousands more East Timorese are now
refugees, many of them forced onto trucks headed for
unknown destinations.

TNI must withdraw immediately from East Timor.

The U.S. must offer full support for increased UN personnel
and an expanded UN mission mandate. The UN must be
granted control of administration and security in East Timor.

The U.S. must cut off all military and financial assistance

** CALL Defense Secretary William Cohen at 703-692-7100
(fax: 703-697-9080). Demand that the United States cut off all
remaining military aid to Indonesia until it removes its troops
from East Timor and disbands the paramilitary groups roaming
the streets.

** CALL World Bank President James Wolfensohn at
202-458-2907 (fax: 202-522-0355).  Urge him to suspend
financial assistance to Indonesia unless it complies immediately
with UN demands to end the violence in East Timor.  Also call
the Executive Director for the United States to the World
Bank, Ms. Jan Piercy at 202-458-0110 (fax: 202-477-2967).
Demand that the U.S. support the suspension of assistance to

** CALL your senators and representative.  Urge them to call
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, President Clinton, and
Secretary of Defense William Cohen directly.  The
Congressional switchboard number is 202-224-3121
or check http://www.congress.gov for contact information
on individual offices.

** CALL Assistant Secretary of State Stanley Roth at
202-647-9596.  Don't let the staff transfer you to the
Indonesia desk. You want this message to reach Roth himself.
 The Indonesia desk officers are already doing what they can.

For more information, contact Karen at the New York ETAN
office at 914-428-7299 or [EMAIL PROTECTED], or Brad Simpson
at IFET at 773-255-7949.

Robert Naiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Preamble Center
1737 21st NW
Washington, DC 20009
phone: 202-265-3263 x277
fax:   202-265-3647

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