At 22:31 13/09/99 +0000, Patrick Bond wrote:

>> ... Brown, a declared advocate of the
>> reform of international finances, on a key IMF committee.
>That lackey of the City? Keep him OUT of reforming, please, Chris! 
>Really, this is an elementary responsibility of UK comrades.

That really is crying for the moon! 

But could you explain the apparent discrepancy between this remark

> Go for the nation-state, man, it is the only hope.

and this remark in your post on Jubilee 2000

>this movement is about neither a "final" or a 
>"short" burst of activity up to 2000. An excellent network has 
>launched a variety of superb campaigns out of this, and I would guess 
>that not just the debt, but the very existence of the IMF and WB will 
>soon come under the spotlight.

Do you mean that you the IMF and the WB will not be reformed, but actually

Chris Burford


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