Dear Penners,

My name if Hiroto Tsukada, a Professor of Economics at 
Yamaguchi University, Japan. (Visiting UK till next 
January, at University of Kent at Canterbury.)

I am studying now on globalisation's influences on 
mentality of people. My intention is to use it as an 
evidence for the necessity of enforcing welfare states. I 
am comparing Japan,US and UK,and a little of Sweden. The 
key words there are extreme school bullying to death and 
overwork to death in Japan,growing mental depression in 
UK,and school violence in US. As for Japan,I am quite sure 
they are the results of growing competitive urge. (Though 
it is not easy to prove how much of it is caused by 
globalising movement.) I am not sure if school violence of 
US represents a pathological side of this country, but 
that's the most impressive phenomenon about US at the 
moment for me. 


Hiroto Tsukada

Hiroto Tsukada

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