>Please note that the assumption that "something" has to be be done is
>strictly a result of the way in which the bourgeois press treats the world,
>carefully picking out what "problems" demand solution and what problems
>do not even exist. The problem of severe malnutrition for those children
>in the U.S. whose mothers were kicked off welfare does not exist. The
>problem of [you name it] does not exist. The only problem in the world
>now is in East Timor. (Never mind the deaths of children from disease
>and malnutrition in Iraq.) Why do you immediately feel that whenever
>the bourgeois press yelps every marxist must mount her silver stallion
>with a Hi Ho Silver, Away!???
>There is nothing we can do except continue developing and (when
>possible) spreading our understanding of imperialism and its role
>in the world today.
>Nothing  any marxist does will save so much as one sprained finger
>in East Timor. It is either self-indulgence or ignorance to think "we"
>have to "do something." What have you done today to increase
>wages in South Africa? What have you done today to reduce
>malaria in Guatemala? What have you done today to reduce the
>prison population in the FSU?


But in the past week I have called four reporters, and told them that 
they really should make sure that someone on their publication is 
working on Wendell Primus's findings about "extreme poverty" and the 
1996 welfare "reform"--that this is going to become a very, very big 
issue when the next recession hits (or possibly before during the 
Democratic primaries), and that they will be sorry then that they 
didn't build up the knowledge base now to effectively cover it...

Brad DeLong

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