>Brad is correct that we all do not need to work on every issue.  Maybe he
>tell us more about Primus's study.  Does he come up with anything new?
>Brad De Long wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
>It's on the web at http://www.cbpp.org/8-22-99wel.htm
>It's an important paper, the first to signal with empirical
>evidence that something is rotten in welfare reform.  It
>provoked an echo on the WaPo editorial page.
>Primus analyzes data from 95 to 97, a 'before and after'
>snapshot of welfare reform and shows that income among
>the lowest quintile of single women with children has
>decreased, notwithstanding the macro-boom.  Other good
>stuff too.  Highly recommended.

And if these are the effects of welfare reform in--ahem!--the 
strongest American economy in a generation...

Brad DeLong

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