> To: Yugoslavia list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Demonstrations to Stop the War Against Iraq!
> Date: Thursday, September 23, 1999 11:06 AM
> Emergency Protest Actions to Stop the War Against Iraq!
> As part of the internationally coordinated week of activities on Iraq
> Sunday, September 26 to Saturday, October 2, there are demonstrations 
> and other activities in New York City, San Franicisco, Los Angeles, Ann 
> Arbor, Minneapolis, Oregon, and other cities.  
> Please send your local information in as soon as possible so it can be 
> listed on the web page.  
> Below is information for the New York City demonstration.  The text can 
> be used for organizing purposes nationally.
> Stop the War Against Iraq!
> Stop the Bombings-Lift Sanctions Now!
> Stand Up Against Genocide!
> Thursday, September 30, 5 pm
> at the New York Times (229 W. 43rd St., between 7th and 8th)
> Part of the internationally coordinated Week of Emergency Protest 
> Actions, September 26-October 2, 1999.
> Join the protest September 30, 1999, in front of the New York Times
office to 
> protest the ongoing U.S. bombing war inst Iraq and to demand the
> lifting of  economic sanctions that have killed more than 1 million
Iraqis since 
> August 1990.
> What are economic sanctions? They are the decision by rich and powerful 
> countries to forbid poor countries to carry out trade. The poor countries
> buy or sell products. Their economies shut down. Their workers become 
> unemployed. Food products vanish. Medicine and health care products 
> disappear. Sanctions can kill more people than actual warfare. But the
> countries can kill the people in poor countries without putting their own

> soldiers at risk. 
> The U.S. has used sanctions and regular bombing of Iraq for nine long
> More than one million Iraqis have died. Those responsible for this policy

> should be put on trial for crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Instead of 
> exposing this criminal policy, the New York Times functions like a
> arm of the Pentagon and CIA. We want the truth, not lies!
> The United States government has carried out more than 10,000 combat or 
> combat support sorties since the conclusion of the so-called Operation
> Fox Operation between December 16-19, 1998. This is terrorism, plain and 
> simple.
> The people in the United States are led to believe by the pro-big
> media that the U.S. policy of economic strangulation of Iraq, coupled
> constant bombings of the country, is caused by the “dictatorial” and 
> “dangerous”  government of Saddam Hussein. This is part of the propaganda

> campaign by the criminals to make their victims appear to be the guilty
> The Clinton Administration is waging this against the people of Iraq
> the biggest U.S. oil monopolies and banks want to dominate Iraq’s huge
> reserves (estimated to be 10% of the entire world’s oil.) These ruthless 
> corporations don’t care if there is a dictatorial regime in Iraq as long
as it would 
> be a puppet government, like the governments in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and 
> Israel. 
> We demand that the multi-faceted war against the people of Iraq be ended.
> bombing! Lift the sanctions! Self-determination for the Iraqi people!
> join in protest in New York City on Thursday September 30, 1999 in front
of the 
> New York Times.
> International Action Center
> 39 West 14th Street, Room 296
> New York, NY 10011
> http://www.iacenter.org
> phone: 212 633-6646
> fax:   212 633-2889

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