I wonder if some of these disputes can be narrowed.  
On WB I'm in enthusiastic agreement with Max and Louis 
on the subversive nature of his work and its comic 
intelligence.  One of the things that may have made 
Burroughs and Ginsburg more insightful than say 
Kerouac is that they were gay men, & were willing to 
think through what that meant w/o apology.  
_On the Road_ by contrast has a boy's-adventure 
quality to it that, while not devoid of homoerotic 
qualities, still takes the patriarchal family as a norm 
from which their road trip is a sort of vacation.

Jim C really raises a much broader question of what we 
should ask of artists.  I'd argue that we should be 
grateful if, as with Fela Kuti's work, there is something 
unsettling in what an artist offers.  There's always
been a fine line between rebellion and just copping 
an attitude & it's the latter that gets commodified.

Best, Colin

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