As a refugee from my native Los Angeles, I strongly recommend City of
Quartz to any Penners who want a very insightful analysis of the history
and politics of L.A.  I learned more from reading the book than I knew
from having been raised there.

Sid Shniad
> Following coffee-sipping Louis P's suggestion, I checkout out _Lingua
> Franca_.  The latest issue (September 1997) has a longish piece on
> Mike Davis, author of _City of Quartz_, by Adam Shatz.  Shatz
> concludes a bit sadly, along with Tariq Ali, that Davis has started an
> unfortunate slide toward "millennial catastrophism"---anomic partner
> to the healthy "grassroots reporting" in _City of Quartz_.  I have yet
> to read through _City of Quartz_, but I've now had my appetite
> re-whetted.
> There's also a blurb on Foucault that Doug (and others) might find
> interesting.  I'm too busy at the moment to summarize it, so you'll
> have to steal a read at the nearest coffee shop/bookstore.
> Bill

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