> The following document - quaint spelling mistakes faithfully preserved -
> was recovered from the wall of Drake International's offices in Charles
> House, Regent St., London during the occupation by Reclaim the Streets in
> support of the Liverpool dockers on 8 Sept. Drake International is the
> Canadian company that provides the scabs at Liverpool docks.
> "After hearing the plight of the poor down troden Liverpool dockers the
> World Wildlife Fund have decided to declare the dockers an endangered
> species.
> "After an extensive survey It has been discovered that there are only 350
> breeding pair left world wide. The World Wildlife Fund are going to set up
> a captive breeding program in Knowsley safari park where they can breed
> succesfuly without hinderance from the public and the prying media.
> "These poor unfortunate creatures of very low inteligence are beleived to
> be decendants from a branch of dinosaur called Dickheadasaurus. They are
> now under the protection of the 1984 Wildlife Act. Any person caught
> physicaly abusing or extracting urine out of them will be subject to the
> full force of the law.
> "Any donations will be gratefuly recieved as the breeding and education
> program is going to be very expensive.
> yours sincerely
> Willy Eckerslike"

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