Even though I think that "Buddha can you spare a dime?" is funny and NOT
impolite (a.k.a. "politically incorrect"), I do not like the advocacy of
violence against women which is implicit in the above title. (I do not
think that Wojtek was advocating such violence, BTW, but rather that he
wasn't thinking seriously about the title he gave his missive.)

(BTW, All money-changers should be driven out of all temples, Buddhist or

Concerning the fact that Ruth Messinger did not get a sufficient plurality
in the NYC Democratic Primary to avoid a run-off against Al (the Rev.)
Sharpton, Wojtek writes: 
>I just heard on the news that the New York City's New Democrat candidate
against Giulliani (what's her face?) got her ass kicked and failed to win
her party's nomination. ... As for New Democrats, they also represent white
suburbanite and corporate only -- yet they hypocritically pretend to
represent the poor, disadvantaged, etc. ... <

Being forced to run in a run-off isn't exactly being kicked in the butt.
More importantly, if I remember correctly, Ruth Messinger was endorsed and
supported by the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee, which later
took over the New American Movement and became the Democratic Socialists of
America. She might have even been a member. Is she a member of DSA? Was she
ever, or was she simply endorsed by that group? Is she still endorsed by DSA? 

If she's a New Democrat and endorsed by DSA (or even a member), that says
something about the state of what Michael Harrington used to call "the
democratic Left" these days. 

BTW, as a non-Noo Yawker, I don't know much at all about Al Sharpton. But
his politics sure looks bad. I bet if he beat Giuliani he wouldn't be
allowed to run the city. Is Big MAC or a similar organization still running
the show? 

in pen-l solidarity,

Econ. Dept., Loyola Marymount Univ.
7900 Loyola Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045-8410 USA
310/338-2948 (daytime, during workweek); FAX: 310/338-1950
"Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own way
and let people talk.) -- K. Marx, paraphrasing Dante A.

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