> Urgent Call: Haiti Union-Busting
>           id CAA22767; Sun, 21 Sep 1997 02:42:42 -0400
> Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit
> source: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Sep 19 00:39:17 1997
> September 18, 1997
> Reports from Batay Ouvriye, an independent Haitian workers
> organization, indicate that management at B.V.F. Apparel
> Manufacturing, s.a., has recently stepped up its offensive against the
> union representing workers at that plant. B.V.F., located in Port-au-
> Prince, Haiti, is a clothing subcontractor for the Connecticut based
> Waterbury Corporation, a Disney licensee. B.V.F. pays workers 28c an
> hour to produce clothes bearing various Disney labels. Under horrible
> conditions, the workers are forced to fill impossible quotas for
> starvation wages.
> Since the beginning of September, the management at B.V.F. has fired
> three workers who were the top officers of the union at that plant:
> the president, the secretary, and the treasurer of the union. They
> also have made it clear that they intend to continue this campaign of
> repression and intimidation through additional firings.
> These union busting practices by the management are not new. On the
> very same day that the union was formed at that plant, about a year
> ago, management responded by firing and laying off union members.
> Since then, management has been consistently stalling to avoid
> negotiations with the union.
> This is clearly an overt and unabashed attempt at union busting and it
> is imperative that it be swiftly condemned. The workers at that plant
> in Haiti stand poised to protest and demand the reinstatement of the
> fired workers and will very soon be taking actions to respond to the
> illegal and repressive practices of the management at B.V.F. Apparel
> Manufacturing, s.a..
> It is urgent that people of conscience, progressives and activists,
> human rights groups, labor solidarity groups, and unions take an
> active stand in solidarity with the Haitian workers, to condemn these
> practices aimed at repressing the burgeoning labor movement in Haiti.
> Let us demand from the management at B.V.F. Apparel Manufacturing,
> s.a. that it:
> 1. Rehire the fired union workers;
> 2. Stop all acts of intimidation and all future firings against union
>    members;
> 3. Stop its stalling tactics and begin engaging in good faith
>    negotiations leading to better working conditions and the respect
>    of workers' rights.
> Let us also demand that the U.S. companies benefitting from the
> exploitation of these workers issue public statements asking their
> business partners in Haiti to stop their acts of reprisal against
> union workers. Please call, write, or send your faxes in protest to:
>   In Haiti:
> Mr. Alain Villard, Director
> B.V.F. Apparel Mfg.
> Rues Lumumba & Cineraire
> Delmas, Port-au-Prince
> Haiti, (W.I.)
> Tel./Fax: 011-(509) 46-41-99
> Mr. Alain Villard, Director
> c/o Classic Apparel Co.
> Route de l'Aeroport
> Port-au-Prince, Haiti (W.I.)
> Tel.: 011-(509) 46-18-37
> Fax: 011-(509) 46-18-87
> Mr. Alain Villard, Director
> c/o ADIH (Association of Industry Owners of Haiti)
> Route de Delmas
> Port-au-Prince, Haiti (W.I.)
> Tel. 011-509-46-45-09
> Fax: 011-509-46-22-11
>   In the United States:
> Michael Eisner, CEO
> Walt Disney Company
> South Buena Vista Street
> Burbank, CA 91521
> Tel. 818-560-1000
> Fax: 818-846-7319
> The Waterbury Garment Corporation
> 1669 Thomaston Ave.
> Waterbury, CT 06704
> Tel. 203-574-3811
> Please cc your letters and faxes to:
> P.O. Box 13326
> Delmas, Port-au-Prince
> Haiti (W.I.)
> Tel./fax: 011-509-22-67-19
> VILLAGE STATION, P.0. BOX 748, NY, NY 10014
> (212) 592-3612
> =================================================================
>   NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
>            Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
>               339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012
>   http://www.blythe.org                  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> =================================================================
> samples-09.21.97-02:42:56-14999

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