On Sat, 27 Sep 1997, Rebecca Peoples wrote:

> I desperately need help on Russia today: recommended books, artcles
> sites, etc.

Check out Boris Kagarlitsky's 1995 "The Mirage of Modernization", a
serviceable global overview of Stalinism and its (equally global)

As far as economics goes, crazy as it may sound, the best source I've
found for concrete, hard-hitting analysis of the Russian scene seems to be
the pages of the Institutional Investor (check the last couple of years
for articles on Russia's emerging financial-industrial groupings). They
had one recent article outlining where foreign investment is going, the
wars between the oil barons, links between financial groups, etc. The II's
political line is noxious, but they name names, cite numbers, and
rely on facts, unlike the bulk of Western analyses of Russia nowadays, 
which are mostly recycled Kremlinology air-painted white, red and blue. 

Hope that helps some!

-- Dennis

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