>Check this out - it may be fun/educational and of interest.
>>"Reinventing America" Game Launched
>>Today, Mon., Nov. 6, Crossover Technoloy launched the "Reinventing America"
>>game at:
>>        http://www.pathfinder.com/reinventing
>>An interactive political simulation game, participants will spend 26 weeks
>>debating various issues of national importance, from drug policy to environ-
>>mental protection to defense conversion to arts funding and school prayer.
>>Players can come and go (and join) at any time. Throughout the duration of
>>the game, players will debate and vote on levels of federal spending related
>>to these issues, and, at the end of the game, will propose a new federal
>>budget that reflects the results of these discussions. The Markle Foundation,
>>sponsor of the game, will then present this proposed budget to Congress at a
>>press conference in May.
>>2 Reasons Why You Should Join the Game
>>1) This game is bound to get a lot of media attention, as it is a very
>>inventive idea 
>>2) The right wing is bound to be represented in force. I've joined already and
>>I can definitely see a dearth of progressive opinions.
Jen Steele
LBJ School of Public Affairs
University of Texas at Austin

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