Before anyone rushes out to buy Daimler stock with December's extra
bi-weekly cheque because of Valis' hydrogen fuel cell hype, this is really
being developed by their 'partner' here in Vancouver, Ballard Power. Their
stock just dropped because of problems reported in their experimental
engines installed in public transit buses (in Chigago, I think). Ford is
another 'partner'. 

Ballard is one of those stock market wonders that has yet to sell a product
other than its name, plus Daimler's, Ford's and the other signers-on. BTW,
it always talks about how the hydrogen cell emits only H2O, but their
production cells apparantly will actually use natural gas or even gasoline.
But don't ask me what a fuel cell is, I don't understand how it works even
though I hope it does.   

On a much more important topic, I'm happy to report that the MacDonalds
workers in nearby Squamish have won a Labour Board challenge by the
employer against their 61% strike vote. The Canadian Auto Workers Union
refuted the employer's claim that workers had been hoodwinked into voting
for a strike.  The union reports some progress in negotiations under a
mediator - e.g. agreement on seniority and no harassement clauses. 

Under B.C. labour law, a first contract may be imposed by the labour board
if one cannot be reached through negotiations. From the workers point of
view they often do not amount to more than the employer's obligation to
recongize the union as sole bargaining agent and a minimalist grievance
procedure, but this is better than nothing. The CAW has blamed MacDonald HQ
for the problems in negotiations, saying they could have reached agreement
if it was only the local franchise owner involved. 

Bill Burgess

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