
Here is an article that recently appeared in Sovetskaya Rossiia and
was subsequently translated into English. Although in this clever
recant about the recent anti-Semitic remarks of his party comrades
Zyuganov asserts a basically internationalist position of the
Communist Party and projects the party's socially minded vision, some
comments of his invalidate his supposed internationalism. For example,
in the last third of the essay, Zyuganov implicitly points to the Jews
(most likely people like Koch,  Uhrinson, Berezovsky, Gaidar, Nemtsov,
Chubais, Kirienko, etc.)  who were prominently at the forefront of
privatization and corruption, or have benefited from the loot that has
been taking place in the last 7 years, but he fails to illustrate how
these people are Zionists. That they are Jews is clear, not only from
his implicit, but from his explicit statements, as well as from some
factual evidence that Nemtsov and Kirienko are part-Jewish. That they
have robbed the working people of Russia is evident to any unbiased
reader of newspapers, either Russian or Western. But that these people
operate (behind the scenes, as Zyuganov reminds us) to aid the Zionist
conspiracy, still either needs to be proved, or at least adequately

What happens is some kind of perversion where, by virtue of being
Jewish (albeit Jews who caused what Zyuganov recently called "the
genocide of the Russian people") these men are automatically Zionist,
and not simply who they really are. The people of Russia, therefore,
are offered a scanty justification for seeing in every Russian Jew a
potential (if not a real) Zionist, where _real_ difference between
people disappears into a kind of unitary identity, and where the
possibly disastrous effects of this technique of superimposing
ontologically distinct entities are not difficult to imagine (history
serves as an adequate referent).


Zyuganov Statement on 'Jewish Question'

Sovetskaya Rossiya
24 December 1998
[translation for personal use only]
Statement signed by G. Zyuganov:  "On the National Pride of
Patriots.  Statement by Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Central Committee Chairman" -- passages within slantlines published in


  Each time that politicians in the ruling regime suffer a failure,
resort to an old tried-and-tested means -- they whip up anti-Communist

hysteria. The distinguishing feature of the current campaign of lies
slander in the electronic media has been its provocatively Russophobic

nature.  Once again the thesis about "Russian fascism" and a
Red" threat, and about "anti-Semitism" allegedly being an official
Communist Party stance has once again been thrust into the limelight.
  The aim of this entire campaign is obvious.  To divert society's
attention away from the country's catastrophic position and the real
culprits for it.  To provoke anti-Jewish sentiment among the masses.
channel the working people's mounting social protest down a dead end
-- in
the direction of interethnic conflicts.
  I am convinced that these plans are ultimately doomed to failure.
nor can we close our eyes to the fact that the provocateurs sometimes
succeed in achieving the results desired. In response to this
hysteria, certain Communists have issued ill-considered statements
the Jews, which run counter to the provisions of the Communist Party
of the
Russian Federation Program and the decisions of the Central Committee
plenum on questions of interethnic relations.
  These statements are based on an incorrect and harmful confusion of
Zionism as a political phenomenon with the Jewish question.  Zionism
itself, which states that it is a "purely national" blueprint for
Jews together in the land of their origin, primarily has an interest
such a confusion.  If its goals were indeed limited to this, no
questions would arise.  I would like to recall that it was the Soviet
Union, recognizing the Jewish people's right to national and state
self-determination, which actively promoted the creation of the state
Israel -- but, of course, not to the detriment of the vital interests
the Arab people of Palestine.
  But Zionism has actually shown itself to be one of the strains of
theory and practice of the most aggressive imperialist circles
striving for
world domination.  In this respect it is related to fascism.  The only

difference between them is that Hitlerite Nazism operated behind the
of German nationalism and strove for world domination /openly./  But
Zionism, operating behind the mask of Jewish nationalism, acts /in
not least at second hand.
  Fascism and Zionism are the bitterest enemies primarily of the
whose national feelings and prejudices they exploit. Fascism and
are non-national and profoundly antipeople in their essence.  At the
of World War II Hitler strove to take the entire German people to the
with him, denying them their right to exist.
  The great experience of the struggle between our motherland and
fascism serves as our lodestar in the struggle against the various
forms of
imperialist aggression.  As far as the peoples of the Soviet Union
concerned, the struggle against German fascism was a national
struggle -- a patriotic war in the true sense of the word.  But under
circumstances was it a struggle against the German people.  We need
recall the words that "Hitlers come and go, but the German people
that were spoken from the country's main rostrum 7 November 1941 at a
of deadly danger for the Soviet people.  It is not inappropriate to
that when at the close of the war, in the spring of 1945, Ilya
Erenburg, a
member of the Jewish Antifascist Committee, tried to call for ethnic
vengeance against the Germans, he was strictly brought to heel and
from the pages of Pravda:  "Comrade Erenburg is getting mixed up!"
  Today's struggle against Zionism is not and in principle cannot be a

struggle against the Jewish people or the state of Israel either.  We
never identified the concept of "Jew" with that of "Zionist."
friendship and brotherhood among the peoples of Russia, we believe
that all
problems arising in this sphere should be resolved peacefully, in the
course of a respectful and constructive dialogue.  It is precisely
such a
Russo-Jewish dialogue that we have repeatedly proposed. Communists are

prepared to take part in it, and /on both sides,/ since our party is
international in makeup and ideology.
  Any manifestations of chauvinism and ethnic intolerance -- from
whatever quarter and whatever their motivation -- are incompatible
Communist convictions.  Including manifestations of judophobia, which
insult the national dignity not only of Jews but of all the peoples of

Russia.  So views and statements which place Jews and Zionists on an
footing deserve to be condemned as backward views spreading
bourgeois prejudice, /masking the class-based essence of Zionism, and
thereby making it harder to combat it./
  The idea of legislatively establishing a "percentage norm" for the
representation of various ethnic and religious communities in organs
state power should also be deemed a mistake.  Although this principle
reinforced in the constitutions of certain states -- Lebanon, for
-- practice shows that interethnic peace and harmony is not ensured in
way.  In a democratic state, which is how we want to see Russia, equal

participation in power by all communities is a matter of free choice
the people and of state wisdom and tact for our top leaders.
  At the same time, the Jewish community too needs to decide more
clearly where it stands on a number of issues -- primarily on the
of its attitude toward Zionism.  The spread of Zionist ideology in the

Jewish milieu is under no circumstances /the fault/ of the Jewish
but their /scourge./  The only question is whether the Jews intend to
go on
tolerating the situation whereby their ethnic feelings sometimes serve
as a
smoke screen for Zionist policies.
  We believe that the Jews -- like the representatives of any
incidentally -- have the inalienable right:
  to emigrate from Russia to their historic homeland of Israel or
to any other country;
  to recognize Russia as their sole motherland, and to live and work
its benefit as part of the Jewish community as an equal member of the
multi-ethnic Russian people;
  to be assimilated in ethnic, cultural, and linguistic terms into the

Russian people or any other people of Russia.
  Only nobody has the right, while remaining a Russian citizen, to
Russia as an alien "host country."  To be an "internal emigre" in it,
acting to the detriment of its interests on behalf of another state or

international corporation.  There is no right to be a tool in the
hands of
Zionism.  No state in the world can tolerate such activities and is
to put a stop to them with every legal means at its disposal.
  Communists did not invent this problem, which really exists. Our
people are not blind.  They cannot fail to see that the Zionization of

Russian state power has been one of the reasons behind the current
catastrophic state of the country, its mass impoverishment, and the
extinction of its population.  They cannot turn a blind eye to the
aggressive, destructive role played by Zionist capital in the collapse
the Russian economy and the embezzlement of the assets of the whole
  They rightly ask how it can be that key positions in a number of
sectors were seized predominantly by representatives of one ethic
group in
the course of privatization.  They see how control over most of the
electronic media -- which are waging a destructive campaign against
fatherland and its morality, language, culture, and beliefs -- is
concentrated in the hands of those same individuals.
  I am convinced that Russian citizens of all ethnic groups will have
the wisdom to figure out these issues calmly and in a balanced way,
giving in to provocations and without allowing themselves to be
whipped up
into a state of nationalistic intoxicationt.  There is a growing
understanding among the people that all their current woes are based
on the
criminal policy of the antipeople non-national [vnenatsionalnyy]
which has seized power.  Only the restoration of people's power and a
decisive change of socio-economic course will ensure the revival and
prosperity of Russia and its entire multi-ethnic people.[Signed]  G.

Gregory Schwartz
Department of Political Science
York University
4700 Keele St.
Toronto, Ontario
M3J 1P3
tel:  (416) 736-5265
fax:  (416) 736-5686

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