Of course Doug is right, women's average wages have been rising
relative to men's, primarily, as Michael pointed out, because of
the improved 'mix' of women's jobs.  But what I was pointing to
was that the projection is for relatively good jobs -- the 'middle'
if you want -- for women to disappear over the next decade.  The
disappearing middle is compatible with both rising, falling, or
for that matter, stable average wages.  What wehave also noticed,
however, at least in Canada (and I think in the US though I don't
have the figures handy) is that since the '90 recession, the
participation rate of women has fallen.  If the absolute number of
"women's jobs" declines, can we really expect that women will
continue to improve their incomes relative to men?  Or will they
just drop out of the labour force?

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba

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