On Tue, 28 Jul 1998, Mark Jones wrote:
>  I'm sorry I've copped out of this debate: you and Lou and others
don't need my help anyway, but my two
> penn'orth is that I support what you are doing down the line; and (not that they 
>need my support anyway) I
> also believe that the Inuit right to hunt is clear, unarguable and cannot be 
>qualified by talk about
> 'waste', which is simply racist nonsense, in context.
Since I made a comment about the whale not being used, I'm going to ask ou
to expand on this comment a bit. The account I read in today's paper said
that some of the whale was eaten, and the rest was fed to sled dogs. The
article also stated that whales had not been hunted for 50 years, mostly
because the whale was sold and there was no market for
whale products anymore. How is that "racist nonsense"?


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