>From an obituary in the NY Times, February 15, 1999

Thomas Banyacya, 89, Who Told of Hopi Prophecy


Thomas Banyacya, who spent half a century on a tireless and often thankless
Hopi spiritual mission to save the planet from the ravages of modern
materialism and greed, died on Feb. 6 at a hospital in Keane Canyon, Ariz.,
about 40 miles from his home in Kykotsmovi on the Hopi reservation. He was
89 and the last of four messengers named by Hopi elders in 1948 to warn the
world of impending doom. 

The 15,000 or so Hopis are a small nation, but their sense of burden is
great. According to a 900-year-old religious tradition, the Great Spirit
Maasau'u, Guardian of the Earth, assigned them the duty of preserving the
natural balance of the world and entrusted them with a series of ominous
prophecies warning of specific threats and providing guidance on how to
avoid them. 

The prophecies remained a secret oral tradition until 1948, when Hopi
religious leaders, alarmed by reports of the atomic bomb's mushroom cloud,
which they saw as the destructive "gourd of ashes" foretold in the
prophecies, appointed Banyacya and three others as messengers to reveal and
interpret the prophecies to the outside world. 

Banyacya seems to have been an obvious choice. At a time when many Hopis
were beginning to embrace modern ways, even accepting the governmental
jurisdiction of the United States, he had remained so steadfast in his
devotion to the sacred traditions and cherished sovereignty of the Hopi
that he had spent seven years in prison rather than register for the draft
in World War II. 

As he tirelessly explained, the Hopi, whose very name means "peaceful,"
reject fighting in wars, especially for another nation...

A fierce opponent of uranium mining and a variety of other industrial
assaults on the environment, Banyacya warned that an endless quest for
material wealth would destroy the balance of the world; yet he did not
reject all modern conveniences. His U.N. address and several other messages
can be found on the Internet at
http://www.alphacdc.com/banyacya/banyacya.html, a
site maintained by the Alpha Institute. 

Louis Proyect


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