Several comments on this

1) Someone once said that if engineers designed buildings the way
programmers design programs, one woodpecker could destroy

Ignoring the false assumption that what we've go is a
civilization, that is not so very far off.  Chips contain
engineer written micro-code -- which has bugs. Software engineers
design assemblers to run on these chips -- which have bugs. 
Programmers code operating systems using these assemblers -- and
add new levels of bugs.  Higher level programmers  write
languages and databases -- which have bugs. The applicatons you
use -- statistics packages, word proccesors, spreadsheets,
browsers, e-mail packages are written on top of all of these
levels of bugs -- and of course have their own bugs.

2) Another point is that actual coding is not the most difficult,
nor the most time consuming part of the programming.  To program
something right, you damn well better know how to do it WITHOUT
using a computer (even , as in some cases it would take you a few
thousand years to actually to the process you know in the real
world.)  This means that before you design an application, you
better know what kind of results the user wants, what form the
input is going to take, and any intermediate information and
steps required to get those results from that input.

This is why the best programs are written either by lone cowboys,
or by tightly knit small teams that work as equals -- without a
whole lot of hiearchy.

Try organizing a software development team in a classic
industrial hiearchy. Person A does the "analysis". Person B does
the coding.  (A more recent equivalent is -- person A writes the
objects. Person B specifices and assembles the objects.)

Well -- since person A is the only one with the big picture he
has to tell person B in pretty specific detail how to write the
modules or objects.  Given that modern programming languages are
both terse and visual, it will probably take as long for A to
tell B what is wanted as it would for A to write it herself 
(assuming A is competent at both code and analysis.)

In practice, software teams work best when  EVERBODY understands
the "big picture".  The work is then divided into modules, with
everyone understanding where intersects others. So Sarah know
that if she is going to anything that rights to file x , she had
better ask Sue, and Jim know that if he touches attributes x in
entity y, he'd better talk to Jane.

3) Time  constraints.  Generally users needs change drastically
every few months or so.  This means what you are trying to
accomplish will change thoughout your work on the process. This 
has encouraged what is know as iterative software development --
where you deliberately go off half-baked to provide something
immediately rather than exactly what they want in two year. You
then get user feed back -- modify everything including the data
structures, and actually do a try-and-fit approach to software
design. Some very successful large products are done this way,
using so-called Rapid Application Development tools. 

You can see why super-hierachal, industrial type organization
does not work within a software team.  This does not prevented a
"lone cowboy" or roughly egalitarian team from being exploited by
a hiearchal organization, or from being very exploitive towards
lower level workers. 

Even the latter is not completely true. Somebody designing a 
program, who relies on management for specifications will produce
a useless product. If you want good results, you need to get the
knowledge which resides mostly in the skulls of ordinairy workers
-- which means you damn well better have good relations with

(BTW if the results of these good relations is that you design
something which eliminates their job, this means you have been
acting as a spy -- performing espionage against them. This gives
computer programming something in common with social science in
general. All those polls, studies learning how poor, and working
people behave and what influences them -- what does that make the
social scientists but spies for the ruling elites (members of
this listed excepted, I assume) .)

Anyway, I think you can see why computer programmers think of
themselves as not being working class -- and why they are wrong. 
I think that while management has not given up all hope of
organizing the software industry in a standard hiearchal form,
they are perfectly willing to turn to all the other methods of
exploitation. If you can't send the work out to cheap workers,
bring the cheap workers in to do the work. Programmers aren't as
priveleged as they believe. The long hours take their toll after
a while.  The career of the average system analyst lasts about
seven years before burnout.    But even the relative privilege
they have is pretty well doomed. There are a lot people getting
computer degrees worldwide. Some are already experiences; others
will be experienced within a few years.  If programmers need to
have a certain degree of independence, they don't have to be paid
a lot while excercising it.   And once there is a large enough
supply -- they won't be.
> Richardson_D wrote:
> >
> I would like to hear more about this.  Programming is becoming more and more 
>industrialized, but business is not making a lot
> of progress in harnessing this industrialization.  Few big projects are finished on 
>time and many are abandoned.  We have some
> experts on the list who could comment on this.  But programmers do not see 
>themselves as workers, from what I have seen.
> >
> > Organizing workers in high-technology fields like computer programming
> > continues to be difficult for unions, with representation efforts
> > hampered by employee attitudes and the industry's staffing structures,
> > according to union and industry sources contacted by BNA....  (Daily
> > Labor Report, page C-1).
> --
> Michael Perelman
> Economics Department
> California State University
> Chico, CA 95929
> Tel. 916-898-5321

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