>From Solinet:

lounge95/jan #10, giacobboe, 944 chars,  4-JAN-95 18:13 
TITLE: Information Superhighway Conference 
The Ontario Federation of Labour will hold a one-day conference 
on Thursday, March 2, 1995, on Unions and the Information 
The purpose of this conference is to tackle some tough questions on 
how new information technologies will impact on workers and 
unions. Will this technology accelerate the growth of homework 
and telework? How will skill requirements change?  Will the 
information superhighway trigger job losses in sectors ranging 
from printing to clerical services to retail?  Will it open up 
possibilities for tapping into entirely new fields of information to 
support organizing and bargaining? 
The conference is open to all members of OFL affiliates.  If you 
would like more information, please contact the OFL Technology 
Adjustment Research Programme (TARP) Co-ordinator, John 
Anderson.  He can be reached on Solinet at ofltarp or at 416-441-
Sid Shniad

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