Come'on Doug, play nice.  In the same spirit that I took up
J. Case, I'm sure you don't mean CP as a term of endearment.
Play nice boys!  There's some real politics here, so cut out
the red baiting bullshit.  I think the real CP, Trotskyist,
New Left, American Left legacy is ignoring political differences
and real discussion and decending everything to the level of
name calling.  If you don't agree with me, you're a (fill in
the gap) and therefore your criticism is unworthy of further
concern or debate.

On the issue of NYC I tend to think that it is rather unusual.
The largest city in the country, with strange, strange, politics.
I wish Mike Davis who move there and do for NY what he did
for LA in CITY OF QUARTZ.  However, that aside, I do think
that in building a grassroots, democratic, membership based
political party that Madison, Milwaukee, Little Rock, etc
will be more typical than NYC.

As for the fusion tactic, the difficulty here is keeping as
a tactic, and only a tactic, to gain state wide (or city wide
or whatever level the group is interested in apply it) ballot
status.  The barriers that the state has set up in this country
to prevent democratic self-organization in elections is worthy
of a totalitarian state.  It's a real barrier and problem for
any third party.

My view is there will be opportunists in the New Party, and
sectarians, and we'll go too slow sometimes and too quickly
other times.  But in a grassroots democratic party if we
build a culture of real debate, over policy and tactics
I believe we will be able to resolve differences -- and
in fact, on occasion operate quite differently in different
states and communities depending on the strength of the
organization and it's level of organization (that is, has
it elected people, does it have access to ballot status,
has it been able to reform election laws...)

Because I believe this discussions are absolutely essential
to the growth and development of any third party, I think
it's important for leftist, who agree or are critical of
specific tactics, actions or policies to aid in creating
a political culture where these issues can be debated and
discussed on their merits -- not on who is an trot or who
is a stalinist.

Elaine Bernard

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