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Here's a gentle tweaking of upper crust assumptions from Jim
Hightower - with access to some mainstream media outlets. 
Cross-posted from the Publiclabor list-serve.

From: "Tom Larsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Let Them Eat Artichokes"
Friday, May 7, 1999

Let's peek again [Rich & Cranky theme] into the Lifestyles of the Rich . . .
and Cranky.

Today's tour of the estates of the elites takes us into the White House
itself. None other than Hillary Rodham Clinton asks to be our tour guide. It
seems the First Lady is writing another book-a sequel to her earlier White
House literary turns, including It Takes a Village and, of course, her most
recent offering, Dear Socks, Dear Buddy, which was a delightful collection
of children's letters sent to the First Cat and First Dog, respectively.

This time, though, she tells us fascinating tales of her role as hostess,
relating how the Presidential Couple entertains the privileged and the
powerful. The new book is entitled, An Invitation to the White House. Even
if you're among the 99.999 percent of Americans who never get invited to the
White House, you'll probably find much that's useful here, including a
glimpse of what one would serve to the prime minister of China! You just
never know when Zhu Rongji might stop by, and there you are without a box of
hamburger helper or anything.

Hillary's four-color, cookbook-size volume will feature some 20 state events
she has hosted, including photos and menus. Also, it will offer some 30
recipes that you, too, can serve the next time two or three hundred
dignitaries come for dinner at your place-assuming you have a chef and a
full kitchen staff paid for by taxpayers.

The First Lady's new book recalls for me another First Lady's effort to cope
with public curiosity about food issues. In 1981, Nancy Reagan received an
inquiry from a single mother who was getting $27 a month in food stamps.
How, she inquired, was she ever going to feed her family on such a spare
allotment? Nancy sent back a delightful recipe for a crab and artichoke dish
the Reagans had served at a White House dinner. The cost of the dish: $20
per serving.

This is Jim Hightower saying . . . If we are what we eat . . . what does
this say about us?
"Hillary to write the book on classy entertaining" by Deirdre Donahue. USA
Today: April 15, 1999.
"Hail to the chef!" by Carol Diuguid. George: September 1998.
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