This is true. Unfortunately it seems to be a logical truth not a
matter of fact. Nothing could count as NATO targeting a civilian.
For example, civilian employees of TV stations are part
of the military apparatus and are thus not civilian targets.
Chinese embassy employees are not targeted but killed by mistake.
Other civilians killed by cluster bombs are collateral casualties
but not targets. Those killed on a train crossing a railway
bridge are not targetted but accidental casualties of an event
where the bridge is a legitimate "military" target. Even coming
back to
finish off the bridge and the train is not targeting the train,
the train just happens to be in the sights at the same time as
the legitimate target. The same is the case with the slaughter of
ethnic Albanians just recently. The village it is claimed was a
legitimate military target. Even though there is no evidence of
any military deaths but roughly 100 ethnic Albanians killed,
they were not targets. Indeed NATO has made it clear that it will
not flinch nor be daunted
by the fact that the Serb military may be using Albanians as
shields. NATO will be able to
kill 10 Albanians for every 1 Serb soldier, claim that it does
not target civilians and that His Excellency is to blame for all
this. Indeed NATO could produce not just ethnic cleansing but
mass killing of Albanians and blame it on the Serbs.
     Cheers, Ken Hanly

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