Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

> Michael Perelman wrote:
> >It is just that ethnicities make conflict more likely --
> What is 'ethnicity'? What's the difference between it and 'race'? Between
> it and 'nationality'?

I'm not sure myself about "ethnicity," but I would suggest that discussion
of either ethnicity or nationality might more easily cross national lines
than does discussion of 'race,' which I think has a different valence in
almost every nation. I claim to know nothing about racism in nations
other than the U.S., but I think it is crucially important to recognize
that in the U.S. *no* situation is uncolored by racism: the black
person (black man? black woman?) is *always* present in one way
or another in u.s. society and culture, and this has been the case at
least since the publication of those troublesome words about "all
men are created equal" in the Declaration -- a statement which
introduced an impossibly wrenching contradiction into all hierarchical
relationships, but above all into the oppression and exploitation of
blacks, first under slavery and then under various forms of segregation
and ghettoization.

Not one black person, to my memory, appears in the collected fiction
of Henry James, but no author's works are so permeated by
the spectre of blackness. That is, the most important fact re any
given page in his work is that no black person is there. This was
also part of my queries some months ago re *Buffy*. Tony Morrison is very
good on this, no matter how bad some of her politics may be.

Incidentally, endless empirical arguments about whether a given event
does or does not show racist elements obscure rather than reveal the
centrality of racism in U.S. life.


P.S. Try reading the *Portrait of a Lady* or *Wings of the Dove*
asking yourself what would happen if there were as many American
Blacks involved as there are Italians? (I say this even though I
learned to read by reading James, and maugre his politics and his
racism cannot but love every page of him. When one once learns
to love a writer, no "facts" can change that.)

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