When the people of Ontario and other provinces began their struggle
against the anti-social offensive, the monopoly-controlled media
and politicians let it be known that Harris and other governments
across Canada had the "mandate" to do what they wish. The people,
they said, have to wait till the next election to vote them out of
office if they don't like what they are doing. It seems that they
are not using the same logic when it comes to Serbia or Bulgaria
and many other countries in the world. Why is this the case? 
     It is as clear as clear can be that the complete restoration
of capitalism in the countries of eastern Europe and the Russian
Federation has plunged these countries into a profound all-sided
crisis. Violence and anarchy have become the norm, the new Rule of
Law pushed by the most reactionary sections of finance capital,
especially by foreign imperialist countries such as those which
belong to the European Union and North America. Monopolists from
these countries cannot and do not want to see any left-overs of the
old order. At the same time, they cannot afford to have a new rule
of law.
     The working class is familiar with the stories of the kind of
lawlessness which prevailed under capitalism in the 1920s, 30s, 40s
and 50s and since then. Finance capital cannot afford to accept any
rule of law, even one of its own. Capital can only flourish on the
basis of anarchy and violence. The aim of manipulation of the
people in Serbia and Bulgaria and other such countries is the same:
to smash the old rule of law while it is replaced with nothing.
They openly practice the rule of lawlessness and give it the name
of "democracy" and a "multiparty system." This is how the
imperialists and their social props are seeking to serve their
interests in these countries.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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