Shawgi writes;
>     It is as clear as clear can be that the complete restoration
>of capitalism in the countries of eastern Europe and the Russian
>Federation has plunged these countries into a profound all-sided

Actually something worth while discussing. In another letter I recently 
wrote I said the following;

"So their is both a general shifting of whole industries leaving thousands 
on the dole while to the east here we are seeing new slave like production 
units developing in production of textiles in Poland for example by a 
grateful but sometimes complaining working class of these former Stalinist 
satelite countries. Now the general atomosphere is sort of a time of 
capitalist wild west accumilation and exploitation of the former eastern 
block countries at the expense of down sizing in the west!"

The funny thing about this stuff is that capitalism is using the downfall of 
Stalinism to declare war on its own working classes in the west. And then I 

"The urban poor and the general structural changes going on connected to 
technical advances and a whole new part of the world which is poor and anti 
Communist to the core because of Stalinism. Must be a god sent gift to 
imperialism. The only exception is Germany! Because I think their goal is a 
unified and strong new Germany being the present goal of German Imperialism. 
Although they are certainly having their problems.."

I think this an important thread. Can anyone expand on it?

Bob malecki

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