Jim Devine wrote:
>I'm surprised the US doesn't see Milosevic as "our SOB."

They might if the Albanian 'nationalist' leaders and/or the Serbian
'democratic' oppositions were left-wingers who refused to be controlled or
manipulated by Americans and instead attacked the interests of capital. The
US govt. happened to take up the cause of Albanian secessionists and the
so-called 'Alliance for Change' because both (along with Croatian, Bosnian
Muslim, and Slovenian leaders) could be used as convenient pretexts +
vehicles for asserting + expanding the American hegemony.

The rulers of the West probably have benefited from Americans' + Europeans'
ambivalence--the sense that there is no forward movement toward
emancipation, only defensive actions to hold onto what's left of
Yugoslavia, politically + geographically--immobilizing and discouraging
many of them from putting up an active, passionate, coherent, and
well-organized opposition to the war and now occupation.


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