Jeff Sachs tells this story (mentioned in the Journal of Economic
Literature), which could be used with respect to his great efforts in

Sachs, Jeffrey. 1996. "Growth in Africa." The Economist (29 June): pp.
 "In the old story, the peasant goes to the priest for advice on saving
his dying chickens.  The priest recommends prayer, but the chickens
continue to die.  The priest then recommends music for the chicken coop,
but the deaths continue unabated.  Pondering again, the priest
recommends repainting the chicken coop in bright colours.  Finally, all
the chickens die. `What a shame,' the priest tells the peasant. `I had
so many more good ideas'."

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 916-898-5321

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