The Albanian people have stood up against the corrupt, criminal
Berisha-Regime. For years, this regime has destroyed everything
that the Albanian people had created in freedom, in the fields of
industry, agriculture, medical benefits, and social and cultural
organizations. It has made the country totally dependent on
foreign credits and "aid." The International Monetary Fund and
the World Bank have dictated Albanian politics. At the same time,
thousands of Albanians have been persecuted for their political
beliefs, elections have been rigged, the mafiosi have been given
governmental positions, etc. The Albanian people are paying for
this with terrible misery, unemployment and hunger. Many
thousands have left their country as emigrants. They, who had
previously been deceived by Western "freedom" and "prosperity,"
were nowhere made welcome.
     As the criminal involvement of the Berisha regime in
connection with the financial swindles of the pyramid societies
became more and more obvious, the Albanian people had enough and
is now rising in revolt. This revolt and its demands are just! In
particular the demands:

The resignation of Berisha!
New democratic elections immediately!
A free, democratic constitution!
Independence for Albania!

are progressive and fully justified. They deserve the support of
all democrats, anti-imperialists, socialists and communists.
     In its distress, the Berisha regime wants to bring foreign
troops into Albania. Berisha has appealed to the UNO, NATO and
the EU to intervene militarily. Berisha as representative of
foreign capital and the mafia has no right to speak in the name
of the Albanian people. He has already caused the Albanian people
enough damage. Also the intervention of the foreign regimes as
well as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have
in no way served the country, but have only increased the poverty
and misery. A military intervention will likewise not serve the
Albanian people, but only the reactionary, criminal elements
around Berisha and foreign capital.
     Therefore we demand:

Hands off Albania!
No military intervention!
     This call is directed to all friends of the Albanian people,
to all democratic and anti-imperialist minded people. We ask you
to sign this call and to circulate it. Please send the collected
signatures of support to:
Zeitungsverlag RM
Postfach 401051
70410 Stuttgart, Germany
Fax 0711/8702445

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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