On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, Louis Proyect wrote:

> > It's people supporting indigenous people who are using
> >the computers in this case. Sure, they might benefit from things that are
> >posted on the Internet, but to say that they are using it is wrong.
> >Computers exist within a very specific politico-economic framework, and to
> >decontextualize them, as you seem to do, is both dangerous and naive.
> The Daily Yomiuri, June 7, 1997
> Nunavut The Land of the 21st Century Internet helps keep scattered Inuit in
> touch 

I'm missing something here. I responded to a comment you made about the
Zapatistas, and I wrote the above comments as a response to your comments
about the Zapatistas. In response, you've posted this thing about
a community of Inuit which in no way responds to my concerns about your
comments about the Zapatistas. Surely you're not making a universal claim
about Native peoples, that would be really sloppy. 


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