At 10:32 AM 8/10/99 -0400, Max Sawicky wrote:
>          Nazis Lose Another Fuehrer In Wake of Cancelled Demo
>. . .
>What a waste of effort.  A great fuss was made about this
>march by the media and the city (the latter spending a
>million or so for police mobilization).  Four nazi
>demonstrators showed up.  Their leader, a pathetic
>creature who changed his name to "David Wolfgang Hawke,"
>has parents by the names of Hyman and Peggy Greenbaum.
>A bunch of boojie politicians and clergy inveighed
>against Nazism from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
>In the 60's we had "peace crawls."  Now we have
>boogie man marches.  The real miscreants get a
>free ride.


A larger issue is the effectiveness of "culture wars" and boogie men in
diverting attention from real issues - i.e. corporate bosses lining up for
public handouts (aka "privatization).  Somebody did a real good diversion
job here.  The phony specter of four nazis accomplished what no other issue
- from US being at constant de facto war since Bush administration, to
public handout to corporate bosses (aka privatization)  - could.

If fighting boogie men is what defines the Left - no wonder it is not taken
seriously anymore, and the so-called "centre" is defined form the Right.


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