Charles wrote: >But then if neo-Nazis in the U.S. are so harmless, who shot
Rickie Byrdsong in Illinois ? The Boogie man ?  Took less than four people
to blow up the Oklahoma City Federal Building. <

But people like those killers can't be opposed by yelling and screaming at
them, since they work under cover. The Nazi demo in DC, on the other hand,
shouldn't be opposed (by the government) since it brings the Nazis out in
the open where they are exposed and can be ridiculed. 

We shouldn't side with government repression of the Nazis (for being Nazis,
as opposed to for blowing up buildings and/or killing people and the like)
since the same laws that repress the Nazis will be applied to what's left
of the left as soon as it starts growing again. The last thing we need to
do is to strengthen the repressive apparatus of the state. 

The only way to oppose Nazi demos is with counter-demos. 


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