Re: Bosnia-4

1994-04-16 Thread Neri Salvadori

I found the following posting by Charles S Young extremely convincing

 Paul Phillips suggests that the media has essentially fabricated the 
 portrait of Serbian aggression against muslims, and that this gives 
 advantage to some American plot in Yugoslavia.
 I've spent my adult life opposed to much of U.S. foreign policy, but I 
 don't see the evidence here for manufactured serbian aggression, as 
 opposed to real aggression.
 What exactly is this American plan for exYugoslavia?   I've read nothing 
 but vague, fanciful suggestions that there must be a plot in there 
 somewhere.  What's the plan, and what's the EVIDENCE of the plan?
 Phillips quotes Amnesty International as saying rapes and atrocities are 
 being committed by both sides.  We would expect nothing else.  Paul -- 
 what does your Amnesty source say about the *proportion* of atrocities 
 committed by both sides?
 Phillips states some atrocity reports were inaccurate.  We would not 
 expect all reports to be accurate.  The bulk of reports say Serbs have 
 the upper hand militarily and are pressing it, and that the Muslims are 
 the losers, so we would expect more crimes to be committed against 
 Muslims.  To suggest otherwise requires either a great body of evidence 
 no one else has seen, or great conspiratorial imagination.
 The U.S. media does not naturally side with Muslims over Christians.  
 What is this overarching hegemonic imperative that compells the media to 
 support the muslims?  In the Vietnam war, the civil religion of freedom 
 and the hysteria of anticommunism had a systematic mind-bending effect on 
 the media and many peoples perceptions of the nobility of the cause.  I 
 see none of this mythology greatly apparent in Bosnia.  It is seen as 
 distasteful anarchy in some forgotten corner of Europe. Sketch for us 
 this great ideological blinder that creates such wrong reporting.  
 Something a little more concrete than that catch-all incantation, service 
 to U.S. capital.
 Until I see evidence, not rhetoric, to the contrary, I think these 
 defenses of the Serb war represent the crudist caricature of progressive 
 thought: if Washington is doing it, it must be wrong.  Let's proceed from 
 the situation there, not from what Washington is doing.  Last I heard, it 
 wasn't just the U.S. press that was reporting Serbs beseiging Sarajevo.
 Another of Paul's verbal acrobatics just came to mind -- he stated the 
 media was ignoring examples of Muslim ethnic cleansing.  This is a misuse 
 of terminology.  Ethnic cleansing is a specific term used by Serb 
 chauvanists to gain support.  Muslims I'm sure have killed civilians.  
 But the specific term "ethnic cleansing" should not be applied to Muslims 
 unless you present EVIDENCE that this terminology is being introduced 
 into Bosnian nationalist discourse.  There's a great difference between 
 fighting a war and occassionally committing civilian atrocities, and 
 having a developed ideology of racial superiority.  I think Paul's post 
 displays more serbian agenda than evidence.
 The U.S. involvement in the region seems more marked by hesitation than 
 anything else.  I think Washington would prefer the issue went away.  
 They want an orderly new order and no doubt wish the serbs and muslims 
 acted more like Poles and East Germans.  
 I'm happy to find evil motives on the part of Washington.  Just give me 
 an explanation why the West would give a *shit* who won.  I'll consider 
 it, but give me a reason.  I think the West's actions are best explained 
 by the preference for order, not some vague plot to favor one side.

Neri Salvadori

Dipartimento di Scienze EconomicheTEL. (39)(50)549215
Universita' di Pisa   FAX: (39)(50)598040
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1994-04-15 Thread PHILLPS

  This is about reporting and its effects on perceptions of what is
really going on in Bosnia.  But first a footnote to yesterdays
post on the effect of US intervention in Bosnia.  This is a short
quote from Paul Koring's article in todays _Globe and Mail_
"The statement by British Lieutenant-Gerneral Sir Michael Rose,
the UN's Bosnian commander, that the air strikes were solely to protect
peacekeepers seems little more than a fig leaf to hid a vastly
changed international posture that can no longer sustain the
pretence of UN impartiality
  The danger is that limited Western intervention will ruin the
prospects for a wider peace settlement but allow existing front lines
to harden first into ceasefire lines and eventually into new boundaries.
(which would) leave Bosnia unworkable as a patchwork of miserable
enclaves and surrounded cities.  The smouldering inequities of such
a settlement would, perha;s in a few years, rekindle the next Balkan
It should be noted that Koring has generally taken an anti-Serb

Now as to the media distortion of what has been going on.  This account
is taken from Minneapolis Star Tribune (Dec 17, 1993) which was
originaly taken from _Foreign Policy_ , a journal publised by the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
I will paraphase for brevity.

Despite the apparent overwhelming evidence of Serb "grave offenses"
the Serbs have always claimed that the evidence of grave offenses
against Serbs has been covered up in the media and the Serbs have
been denied the right to present their side of the case.  Peter
Brock, the author of the artical goes on to document the flagrant
misinformation that was spread by the western media.  Including:
1. pictures of the damage in Vukovar being used on western TV to
be a picture of damage to Dubrovnik 2. BBC film of an ailing, elderly "
Bosnian Muslim porisoner-or-war in a Serb concentration camp"
being a Yugoslav Army prisoner-of-war in a Muslim concentration camp.
3. reports of Muslim children killed by Bus shooting turning out
to be Serbian children 4. Newsweek photos of "serbian atrocities
in Bosnia" being the same photos ov Serb victims of Croatian
atrocities in Vukovar a year earlier 5.CNN repots of massacres of
Muslims which turned out to be massacres of Serbs (CNN did not
correct its stories) 6. NYT picturs of croats being killed by
"Serb attacts" were actually Croats who had been killed by
Muslim attacks 7. the most famous picture of the amaciated
"muslim" prisoner of war in a prison camptwas in fact
a Serb who was imprisoned for looting and, according to his
sister in Vienna, looked emaciated because he suffered from
TB. and so on.

What about the reports of widespread rape etc.  UN commision on
human rights report (Feb 10, 1993) mentioned a figure of 2,400
victims -- including Muslims, Croats and Serbs though the biggest
number had been Muslims while "Amnesty International and the
International Committee of the Red Cross concurrently declared
that all sides were committing atrocities and rape."
  What has not been reported widely is either the atrocities,
ethnic cleansing of Serbs, rapes of Serb women, the number of
Serb refugees in Serbia resulting from ethnic cleasing, the
accounts of Serbs, including children, who were having
operations (including amputations, etc.) in Serbia without
anesthetic because of the embargo which, while supposed to
allow food and medicine in, has in fact delayed or prevented
medicine and anesthic from arriving.
 Let me conclude this sorry tale with Brock's conclusion:
"In the wake of the negligence and pack journalism that have distorted the cover
distored the coverage of the Yugoslav civil war to date, the
media would be well-advised to gaze into their own mirrors
and consider their dubious records.  At some point, historians or
an official international investigation will determine the
true culpability of all the actors in the Yugoslav tragedy.
But one of those actors is the media itself.

Let me also add that as academics we also have an obligation to
become properly informed and not be stampeded into supporting
US capital's goals on the basis of distorted media propaganda
not backed by the facts.

Tomorrow, I will address the claim that Serbs are the aggressors,
have seized all this territory, and peace will only reward

In search of a balanced response,
Paul Phillips

Re: Bosnia-4

1994-04-15 Thread Charles S Young

Paul Phillips suggests that the media has essentially fabricated the 
portrait of Serbian aggression against muslims, and that this gives 
advantage to some American plot in Yugoslavia.

I've spent my adult life opposed to much of U.S. foreign policy, but I 
don't see the evidence here for manufactured serbian aggression, as 
opposed to real aggression.

What exactly is this American plan for exYugoslavia?   I've read nothing 
but vague, fanciful suggestions that there must be a plot in there 
somewhere.  What's the plan, and what's the EVIDENCE of the plan?

Phillips quotes Amnesty International as saying rapes and atrocities are 
being committed by both sides.  We would expect nothing else.  Paul -- 
what does your Amnesty source say about the *proportion* of atrocities 
committed by both sides?

Phillips states some atrocity reports were inaccurate.  We would not 
expect all reports to be accurate.  The bulk of reports say Serbs have 
the upper hand militarily and are pressing it, and that the Muslims are 
the losers, so we would expect more crimes to be committed against 
Muslims.  To suggest otherwise requires either a great body of evidence 
no one else has seen, or great conspiratorial imagination.

The U.S. media does not naturally side with Muslims over Christians.  
What is this overarching hegemonic imperative that compells the media to 
support the muslims?  In the Vietnam war, the civil religion of freedom 
and the hysteria of anticommunism had a systematic mind-bending effect on 
the media and many peoples perceptions of the nobility of the cause.  I 
see none of this mythology greatly apparent in Bosnia.  It is seen as 
distasteful anarchy in some forgotten corner of Europe. Sketch for us 
this great ideological blinder that creates such wrong reporting.  
Something a little more concrete than that catch-all incantation, service 
to U.S. capital.

Until I see evidence, not rhetoric, to the contrary, I think these 
defenses of the Serb war represent the crudist caricature of progressive 
thought: if Washington is doing it, it must be wrong.  Let's proceed from 
the situation there, not from what Washington is doing.  Last I heard, it 
wasn't just the U.S. press that was reporting Serbs beseiging Sarajevo.

Another of Paul's verbal acrobatics just came to mind -- he stated the 
media was ignoring examples of Muslim ethnic cleansing.  This is a misuse 
of terminology.  Ethnic cleansing is a specific term used by Serb 
chauvanists to gain support.  Muslims I'm sure have killed civilians.  
But the specific term "ethnic cleansing" should not be applied to Muslims 
unless you present EVIDENCE that this terminology is being introduced 
into Bosnian nationalist discourse.  There's a great difference between 
fighting a war and occassionally committing civilian atrocities, and 
having a developed ideology of racial superiority.  I think Paul's post 
displays more serbian agenda than evidence.

The U.S. involvement in the region seems more marked by hesitation than 
anything else.  I think Washington would prefer the issue went away.  
They want an orderly new order and no doubt wish the serbs and muslims 
acted more like Poles and East Germans.  

I'm happy to find evil motives on the part of Washington.  Just give me 
an explanation why the West would give a *shit* who won.  I'll consider 
it, but give me a reason.  I think the West's actions are best explained 
by the preference for order, not some vague plot to favor one side.