Conference on Privatization

2000-12-20 Thread Max Sawicky

Those planning on attending should RSVP to Tom

Trends, Evidence, Alternatives

A Conference of the Economic Policy Institute
January 11, 2001; Madison Hotel, Washington D.C.


January 11, 2001 (Thursday)

8:30-9:00 a.m.  Continental breakfast.

9:00-9:15 a.m.
Welcoming Remarks:  Jeff Faux, President, Economic Policy Institute
Introduction:  Max B. Sawicky, Senior Economist, EPI

9:15-10:30 a.m.  Plenary Session
Trends in Privatization.
An overview of trends in privatization, including ‘contracting-in’ and
inter-governmental contracting, in the Federal government and in the
state-local sector.  Presenters:  Mildred Warner (Cornell University), and
Paul Light (The Brookings Institution); Robert Kuttner (The American
Prospect); moderator, Ann Markusen (University of Minnesota).

10:45 – 11:00 a.m.  Break.

11:00 – 12:15 p.m.  Plenary Session
EMO’s and Educational Outcomes: Evaluating the Evidence.
Discussion of research on instructional outcomes resulting from contracting
and charter schools. Presenters:  Helen Ladd (Duke University) and Gary
Miron (Western Michigan University); moderator:  Richard Rothstein (EPI).
Discussants TBA.

12:15 – 1:45 p.m.  Lunch.
Keynote speaker, TBA.

1:45 – 3:15 p.m.  Plenary Session
Alternatives to Privatization.
Discussion of “contracting-in,” cooperative labor-management restructuring,
and public/private competition.  Presenters:  Elliott Sclar (Columbia
University), Eugene Bardach (University of California/Berkeley), Richard
Loeb (Office of Management and Budget); Steven Fantauzzo (AFSCME);
moderator; Max B. Sawicky (EPI).

3:15 – 3:30 p.m.  Break.

3:30 – 4:45 p.m.  Break-Out Sessions
Four breakout sessions would focus on specific industries.  The basic
question is what theory and experience suggest for the efficacy (cost and
quality) of contracting in the industry in question.

Presenters: Travis Pratt (Rutgers University), Judith Greene (Human Rights
Watch), Joshua Miller (AFSCME), others TBA.

Social Services
Presenters:  Max B. Sawicky (EPI), Demetra Nightengale (Urban Institute);
others TBA

Information Technology
Presenters:  Jack Donahue (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard
University), others TBA.

Public Works
Presenters:  John Williams (HDR Inc.); Bruce A. Wallin (Northeastern
University); .

4:45 – 5:30 p.m.
Cocktail Hour (cash bar)

Re: Conference on Privatization

2000-12-20 Thread Michael Perelman

Will the papers be available?


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

RE: Re: Conference on Privatization

2000-12-20 Thread Max Sawicky

No papers.  These will be informal presentations
on past research, leavened with practical experience
from representatives of employers and employees.

There will be at least as much discussion as presentation.


Will the papers be available?


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

Conference on privatization

1997-10-30 Thread Sid Shniad

 Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 09:50:34 EST5EDT4,M4.1.0,M10.5.0
 Subj: early announcement of Hungarian symposium
 Meeting the Challenge of Privatization: Its Impact on
 Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health, and Environmental
 9th Annual Symposium on Environmental and Occupational Health
 During Societal Transition in Central and Eastern Europe
 Budapest, Hungary
 June 8-12, 1998
 The 9th Annual symposium will focus on the challenge of
 protecting public health and the environment in the economic and
 political restructuring of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).  We
 wish to bring together representatives from academia,
 community-based organizations, industry, labor unions,
 government, NGOs, and public policy makers from Central, Eastern,
 and Western Europe, the USA, and other countries to discuss the
 public health issues related to the privatization of publicly
 owned and/or controlled industries and services.
 This symposium will focus upon the following themes and issues:
 * The experienced impact of privatization upon the environment,
 workplace health and safety, and public health, in different
 economic sectors in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
 * The roles and responsibilities of the following organizations
 to protect public health in the process of economic
 restructuring: governments (national and local); international
 health agencies; international redevelopment and finance
 agencies; trade unions; NGOs; and, Community-based organizations.
 * Experiences of labor and communities dealing with international
 firms elsewhere, e.g., Mexico, Canada, Asia, and Western Europe.
 * Alternatives to privatization that might better support public
 health and the environment.
 * The impact of privatization on the regulatory capacity of
 * Criteria for privatization efforts that will support the health
 of workers and communities.
 The topics will be discussed in the context of case studies. 
 Discussion workshops will follow the presentations, permitting
 broad participation.  Simultaneous translation services will be
 available for Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Russian, and
 English languages.
 Registration fee, including lodging and meals during the
 Symposium: $595 ($695 after 4/30/98); $350 for full-time
 registered students; and $300 for CEE participants.  (All US
 For more information contact: Professor Charles Levenstein,
 Department of Work Environment, University of Massachusetts
 Lowell, 1 University Ave., Lowell, MA 01854.
 Phone: 978/934-3255
 Fax: 978/452-5711.
 Initial Co-Sponsors: Environmental and Occupational Health
 Sciences Institute, Rutgers University and UMDNJ-RWJMS;
 Department of Work Environment, University of Massachusetts;
 Center for International Rural and Environmental Health,
 University of Iowa; Swiss Labor Cooperation, Bern, Switzerland; 
 De Montfort University, Centre for Occupational and Environmental
 Health, Leicester, England; Central European University,
 Environmental Science and Policy Department, Budapest, Hungary; 
 Fact Institute of Applied Social Science Research, Pecs, Hungary.
 Craig Slatin
 Department of Work Environment  Lowell Center for Sustainable Production
 University of Massachusetts Lowell
 1 University Ave.
 Lowell, MA 01854
 tel.  508 934 3291FAX 508 452 5711
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