Re: Heresy....

2003-12-29 Thread dmschanoes
Name that film:

"This ain't no movie, MFer"

The point was to introduce discussion in counterposition to the
hegemony/declining hegemony/euro vs dollar/emergence of global south
crapola that  is circulated ad nauseum by the "critiques," prognosticators,
etc of the established order, and then recirculated by the "leftists" who
feel all dressed up when wearing these hand- me-downs.

Yes, let's indeed look at the economy, at the source of its predicament, at
the decline in the rate of profit and its apparent recovery.  Let's look at
the source-- and that is no "profit squeeze" brought about by higher wages,
particularly since unit costs of production during the 90s showed
significant and sustained declines-- in everything from steel to
semiconductors to soft-drinks to mining to oil production.

Look at capacity and utilization rates and tell me if you see the basis for
a sustained recovery.

Not enough capacity has been destroyed-- YET.  Some was destroyed in the
bombing of Yugoslavia after the 97-98 decline in the rate of profit, and
coupled with the jacking of oil prices, the bubble expanded for two more
years.  Some has been destroyed in Iraq, oil prices are back to $30 and  the
shadow of a bubble returns.  But not enough has been destroyed, devalued,
physically decimated, along with the living standards, the "social costs" of
reproduction, to create a basis for anything more than more depreciation.

As far as the election...and imaginary enemies, hypotheses-- well on 9/12,
having congratulated myself on being absent-minded enough to have forgotten
to attend the 9/11 9AM meeting with the Washington International Group on
the 92 floor of the South Tower, I said the only thing surprising about the
whole thing is that CNN didn't have a camera crew on every plane-- that it
was a set up deal  from jump street.  That then was characterized as an
paranoid conspiracy theory. Well paranoids have real enemies too.

What do you think the next step, the unavoidable next step is for this clown
cadre of capitalists if it looks like the electorate is going to exercise
its power to choose polio instead of cancer?  Look how much money the
bourgeoisie have invested in Cheney's reelection.  Look at the staggering
payoff they reaped after 9/11.  This isn't the 70s, the Beatles are not
going to get back together, and the Congress isn't about to take step one in
opposition to Cheney/Bush.  Ergo, comparisons to Nixon are inapplicable.

I don't care much to speculate on scenarios myself, I just threw that one
out there hoping others would see the value in NOT discussing tactics,
strategy, speculations regarding the 04 elections.


Re: Heresy....

2003-12-29 Thread Eugene Coyle

The last place to seek refuge as this unfolds is in Nice.  That's where
the Marines will land in the first wave of the invasion of France.

Gene Coyle

Max B. Sawicky wrote:

  I saw that movie.  Denzel Washington arrests Bruce Willis
in the end, and everything goes back to normal.

Subject: Re: Heresy

Here's the scenario:

1. Police engage in violent assaults on demonstrators at GOP convention
2. Supposed terrorist plot to bomb convention is interdicted or successful
3. Iraq resistance increases.
4. Economy tanks, follows China into black hole.
5. Staged "terrorist" attack(s) on US on govt officials and offices.
6. National emergency declared.
7. Congress supports declaration.
8. Yours truly offers refuge and use of extra room in Nice, France apt.
to one or two lucky people.

Film at 11.



Re: Heresy....

2003-12-29 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 12/29/03 9:34:42 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I saw that movie.  Denzel Washington arrests Bruce Willisin the end, and everything goes back to normal.
Nope . . .Denzel plays the role of Alonzo in "Training Day" and screams "King Kong aint got nothing on me...  24/7 lock down . . .shoe program. " 
The black hole widens in China by a black hole by definition is not visible to the eye but because visible as expressed in something else. 
Not agriculture as produce but as a slowing of the conversion of agriculture producers into employed wage earners. This cannot be seen until it is made manifest as a distinct trend that can be charted and quantified. The year is 2007.
How was this known? 
The crossing over from the periodic crisis of overproduction to the absoluteness of overproduction as the feature of the new era.  How was this known? The new technological regime. 
What in the new technological regime revealed this? The falling rate of profit. 
What is the falling rate of profit? The radical decrease in the value embodied in commodities.
What the hell is that? The proliferation of dollars stores filled with products from China.  
But I can afford the dollar store! Because the value of these products are falling faster than the price you are being paid for your labor power. Why should I care?
Because chickens come home to roost.  
What the hell does that mean? 
That a lot of people wages are falling faster than yours. 
Denzel as Alonzo. 
"You bit*h mutherfu**er. 24/7 lock down. Pelican bay . . . shoe program."  
And the black hole widens but it cannot be seen with the eye but measured. 
Melvin P. 

Re: Heresy....

2003-12-29 Thread Carrol Cox
"Max B. Sawicky" wrote:
> I saw that movie.  Denzel Washington arrests Bruce Willis
> in the end, and everything goes back to normal.

Very good.

As I've said on a number of earlier occasions on several lists in
critizing the dissolute use of the label "fascism," the danger of this
sort of melodrama is that in fantasizing unreal threats it at least
partly disables coherent resistence to quite unromantic authoritarianism
which is always present in bourgeois democracies and can intensify
painfully (Palmer Raids, internment of the Japanese, Truman [mislabelled
McCarthy] Era, etc.).

The elections will be held. They will not be stolen (any more than,
e.g.,the Kennedy election was). The police will beat the shit out of
people as they did in the 1870s an 1880s and 1890s and 1900s and 1910s
and 1920s and 1930s and 1940s and 1950s and 1960s and 1970s and 1980s
and 1990s. Men and women will be forced out of their jobs and have their
lives ruined (as in the 1870s, 1880s.1990s).

And so forth.

The battle is an endless one as long as capitalism endures, and chasing
after imaginary evils does not help.


Re: Heresy....

2003-12-29 Thread Max B. Sawicky
I saw that movie.  Denzel Washington arrests Bruce Willis
in the end, and everything goes back to normal.

Subject: Re: Heresy

> Here's the scenario:
> 1. Police engage in violent assaults on demonstrators at GOP convention
> 2. Supposed terrorist plot to bomb convention is interdicted or successful
> 3. Iraq resistance increases.
> 4. Economy tanks, follows China into black hole.
> 5. Staged "terrorist" attack(s) on US on govt officials and offices.
> 6. National emergency declared.
> 7. Congress supports declaration.
> 8. Yours truly offers refuge and use of extra room in Nice, France apt.
> to one or two lucky people.
> Film at 11.
> dms

Re: Heresy....

2003-12-29 Thread Michael Perelman
1 & 3 seem likely.  But I wonder what we can gain from wild speculation.
Anything can happen, but a powerful terrorist attack would assure Bush
victory.  Why cancel?

I would rather that we discuss whether 4 will happpen before the election
or if the economy will be on the upswing then.

I liked the earlier story about outsourcing the congress to an Indian call

On Mon, Dec 29, 2003 at 11:52:10AM -0500, DMS wrote:
> Here's the scenario:
> 1. Police engage in violent assaults on demonstrators at GOP convention
> 2. Supposed terrorist plot to bomb convention is interdicted or successful
> 3. Iraq resistance increases.
> 4. Economy tanks, follows China into black hole.
> 5. Staged "terrorist" attack(s) on US on govt officials and offices.
> 6. National emergency declared.
> 7. Congress supports declaration.
> 8. Yours truly offers refuge and use of extra room in Nice, France apt.
> to one or two lucky people.
> Film at 11.
> dms

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

Re: Heresy....

2003-12-29 Thread DMS
Here's the scenario:

1. Police engage in violent assaults on demonstrators at GOP convention
2. Supposed terrorist plot to bomb convention is interdicted or successful
3. Iraq resistance increases.
4. Economy tanks, follows China into black hole.
5. Staged "terrorist" attack(s) on US on govt officials and offices.
6. National emergency declared.
7. Congress supports declaration.
8. Yours truly offers refuge and use of extra room in Nice, France apt.
to one or two lucky people.

Film at 11.


Re: Heresy....

2003-12-29 Thread Max B. Sawicky
Takes me back to when we thought Nixon would cancel the elections.


. . . 7. There will be no US presidential election in 2004.

Happy New Year, Lock and loadand face front because it's coming head on.



2003-12-29 Thread dmschanoes

is always in order.  Here's some wood for 
the fire:
1. Dominant position of US in the world economy is 
NOT dependent on "dollar hegemony."
2. Invasion of Iraq had absolutely nothing to 
do with Iraq's adoption of the Euro as the currency for oil 
3. Invasion of Iraq had absolutely nothing to do 
with the scarcity-- imagined, looming, anticipated, wished for-- of oil.  
No such scarcity exists
3. Euro and European Union as the successor to 
the dollar and the US is a "never happen," as we used to say, for many 
reasons, not the least of which is that there is no United 
4. Chinese sales of US Treasury securities are 
not ominous turns of events for the US as the debt is dollar denominated 
and the purchases of oil will recycle the dollars into the larders the 
oil majors.
5. The emergence of the "global South" as an 
economic power is vastly overrated. The growth in South-South trade slowed 
during the second half of the 90s after the NIE currency crises and is 
hampererd by south-south tariffs and trade 
6. China is the mother of all bubbles with an 
economy so fragile, so lop-sided in development, so crumbling at its base-- 
agriculture, so riddled, no- determined- by overproduction that its sudden and 
rapid devaluation is a dead cinch lock in 2004.
7. There will be no US presidential election 
in 2004.
Happy New Year, Lock and loadand face front because 
it's coming head on.