Karl Marx:
The chapter on primitive accumulation [in Marx's Capital] claims no more
to trace the path by which, in Western Europe, the capitalist economic
order emerged from the womb of the feudal economic order. It therefore
presents the historical movement which, by divorcing the producers from
their means of production, converted the former into wage-labourers
(proletarians in the modern sense of the word) and the owners of the
latter into capitalists. In this history 'all revolutions are epoch-making
that serve as a lever for the advance of the emergent capitalist class,
above all those which, by stripping great masses of people of their
traditional means of production and existence, suddenly hurl them into the
labour-market. But the base of this whole development is the expropriation
of the agricultural producers. Only in England has it so far been
accomplished in a radical manner...but all the countries of Western Europe
are following the same course' etc. (Capital, French edition, p. 315).. At
the end of the chapter, the historical tendency of production is said to
consist in the fact that it 'begets its own negation with the
inexorability presiding over the metamorphoses of nature'; that it has
itself created the elements of a new economic order, giving the greatest
impetus both to the productive forces of social labour and to the
all-round development of each individual producer; that capitalist
property, effectively already resting on a collective mode of production,
cannot be transformed into social property. I furnish no proof at this
point, for the good reason that this statement merely summarizes in brief
the long expositions given previously in the chapters on capitalist

Now, what application to Russia could my critic make of this historical
sketch? Only this: if Russia is tending to become a capitalist nation like
the nations of Western Europe--and in the last few years she has been at
great pains to achieve this-- she will not succeed without first
transforming a large part of her peasants into proletarians; subsequently,
once brought into the fold of the capitalist system, she will pass under
its pitiless laws like other profane peoples. That is all. But it is too
little for my critic. He absolutely insists on transforming my historical
sketch of the genesis of capitalism in Western Europe into a
historical-philosophical theory of the general course fatally imposed on
all peoples, whatever the historical circumstances in which they find
themselves placed, in order to arrive ultimately at this economic
formation which assures the greatest expansion of the productive forces of
social labour, as well as the most complete development of man. But I beg
his pardon. That is to do me both too much honour and too much discredit.
Let us take an example.

At various points in Capital I allude to the fate that befell the
plebeians of ancient Rome. They were originally free peasants, each
tilling his own plot on his own behalf. In the course of Roman history
they were expropriated. The same movement that divorced them from their
means of production and subsistence involved the formation not only of
large landed property but also of big money capitals. Thus one fine
morning there were, on the one side, free men stripped of everything but
their labour-power, and on the other, ready to exploit their labour,
owners of all the acquired wealth. What happened? The Roman proletarians
became, not wage-labourers, but an idle mob more object than those who
used to be called 'poor whites' in the southern United States; and what
opened up alongside them was not a capitalist but a slave mode of
production. Thus events of striking similarity, taking place in different
historical contexts, led to totally disparate results. By studying each of
these developments separately, and then comparing them, one may easily
discover the key to this phenomenon. But success will never come with the
master-key of a general historico-philosophical theory, whose supreme
virtue consists in being supra-historical.

[Karl Marx: a letter to the Editorial Board of Otechestvennye Zapiski.
This appears in "Late Marx and the Russian Road: Marx and 'The Peripheries
of Capitalism" by Teodor Shanin, Monthly Review 1983]

Louis Proyect

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