Millions on Strike in Italy
Tue Apr 16, 6:39 PM ET
By CANDICE HUGHES, Associated Press Writer

ROME (AP) - Millions of Italians staged the biggest strike in
decades Tuesday to protest the government's plans to make it
easier to fire workers. Airports were almost deserted, few trains
were running, and banks, schools and post offices were closed.

Workers by the thousands gathered in piazzas throughout the
country for mostly festive rallies headed by union leaders and
center-left politicians and sprinkled with celebrities supporting
the general strike.

In Rome, Oscar-winner Roberto Benigni, of "Life is Beautiful"
fame, brightened up a huge demonstration in the Piazza di Popolo.
"It's a grand demonstration," he said as the crowd roared its
approval. "Everything is beautiful."

In Bologna, demonstrators danced to the music of rock bands.
"It's the joy of being united," explained Matteo Pallacani, a
22-year-old draped in a scarlet Che Guevara flag and wraparound
sunglasses despite a pouring rain.

The strike did not bring Italy to a standstill, but it slowed it
down considerably. Hospitals were providing emergency services
only and many factories stayed off the job. Fiat Group said
nearly half its workers took part; unions claimed it was 90

About half the usual number of passenger trains were operating,
said state railway spokesman Carmine Amodeo. "Many people knew of
the strike beforehand so they avoided being stranded at
stations," he added.

Many foreign carriers, including British Airways, Iberia and
Lufthansa, canceled flights; Alitalia, the national airline,
scratched more than two-thirds of its flights by midday, said a

At Rome's Leonardo da Vinci airport, international check-in
counters were almost deserted. Milan's two airports, Malpensa and
Linate, were also at a virtual standstill, said Claudio Bianco,
head of the Malpensa-Linate press office.

The strike, organized by Italy's top three unions CGIL, CISL and
UIL, is labor's response to conservative Premier Silvio
Berlusconi's vow to reform Italian labor laws, some of the most
restrictive in Europe.

CGIL spokesman Alessandro Valentini said participation was "very
high" even in the more conservative north. In many factories,
virtually all workers had put down their tools, he said.

Talks with unions that the conservative government had hoped
would avert the strike broke down last month. Tensions were
aggravated by the slaying of one of the architects of labor
reform amid suggestions from Berlusconi's circle that unions
fostered a charged atmosphere that contributed to the crime. The
killing was claimed by the leftist Red Brigades terrorist group.

The main impasse is over a reform that would eliminate rules
requiring employers to take back workers found to have been fired
for "unjust causes." Employers complain those rules hamper their
ability to get rid of unneeded workers. Under the proposed
reform, employers would have to pay the workers compensation but
not take them back.

The government insists the reforms are necessary to make the
Italian economy more competitive and attract foreign investment.
The unions say the reforms will cost dearly in hard-won job
security, widen the gap between rich and poor and undermine
Italy's social stability.

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