Re: [Fwd: [Marxism] The Case for Nader-Camejo, by L. Proyect]

2004-07-19 Thread Max B. Sawicky
On budget deficits, Kerry is as bad as Clinton, which is pretty bad.
But Nader has never been particularly good and clear on this issue,
though I think that overall his programmatic message goes in the right


In that chapter, titled Appease the Bond Market: the Kerry Plan to Make the
Rich Richer, Bates lays out in convincing detail how Kerry would reinstitute
Clintonomics. As a "deficit hawk,"

[Fwd: [Marxism] The Case for Nader-Camejo, by L. Proyect]

2004-07-19 Thread Louis Proyect
The Case for Nader-Camejo
by Louis Proyect
(Swans - July 19, 2004)  Although liberal attacks on Ralph Nader
have been marked by a level of vituperation usually reserved for such
as Slobodan Milosevic, Greg Bates's Ralph's Revolt is completely
rancor-free by contrast. It is a calm, dispassionate "case for joining
Nader's rebellion," as the subtitle puts it.
As founder and publisher of Common Courage Press, Greg Bates
selects works that go against the grain of conventional thinking. They
include Jeffrey St. Clair's "Been Brown So Long" (reviewed on
Swans in March 2004) and numerous titles by Paul Farmer, the
Harvard physician who has dedicated his life to helping AIDS patients
in Haiti. On the Common Courage website, the mission statement
refers to Farmer, who had invited Bates to a ceremony in Boston
where Jean Bertrand Aristide was to give a speech. In explaining to
Farmer why he publishes his books and those of other progressives,
Bates says, "Some ask why we do this work. We ask a different
question: How can we not?"
Throughout Ralph's Revolt, Bates likens Nader to Don Quixote, a
somewhat unflattering comparison if you think solely in terms of tilting
at windmills, etc. However, one must remember that Cervantes chose
Quixote as a vehicle for his own unhappiness with the bourgeois
transformation of Spain. If Don Quixote was a fool to romanticize
Spain's feudal past, at least he had the wisdom to assert "There are
only two families in the world, the Haves and the Have-nots," a
phrase used by Bates as the epigraph for chapter nine of his book.
In that chapter, titled Appease the Bond Market: the Kerry Plan to
Make the Rich Richer, Bates lays out in convincing detail how Kerry
would reinstitute Clintonomics. As a "deficit hawk," Kerry promised
to abandon earlier plans to expand college tuition subsidies and aid to
state government in order to "help the higher priority of halving the
federal deficit in four years." These announcements worried liberal
supporters such as Robert Kuttner of the American Prospect who
shrewdly observed that Kerry was running an election campaign on
the basis of how Clinton governed, rather than the way that he ran for
office. He worried that "No president ever got elected by promising to
appease the bond market." Of course, it makes things a lot easier if
you don't have a gadfly like Ralph Nader calling attention to this in
televised debates.
While Paul Krugman advised his readers in the New York Times on
July 9 that "John Kerry has proposed an ambitious health care plan
that would extend coverage to tens of millions of uninsured
Americans, while reducing premiums for the insured," Bates reminds
us that this does not include a provision for single payer insurance, the
most cost efficient and effective means for insuring access to health
care for all. Instead, tax-payer money will be showered on
corporations to ease the cost of private insurance plans. The May 3rd
Wall Street Journal quotes Kerry: "I would think American business
would jump up and down and welcome what I am offering."
By contrast, says: "The Nader Campaign supports a
single-payer health care plan that replaces for-profit, investor-owned
health care and removes the private health insurance industry (full
Medicare for all)."
If Nader's campaign suggests elements of Don Quixote, then Bates
sees George W. Bush in terms of another familiar literary figure from
the same period. "The year 1605, or possibly 1606, saw the creation
of William Shakespeare's Macbeth. There are some parallels between
this assassin and George W. Bush. The one murdered to become
king, while the other stabbed democracy in the back by convincing his
allies on the Supreme Court to anoint him. But, as with the Ralph
Nader/Don Quixote comparison, it is the differences, not the
similarities, that illustrate."
As tempting as it is to understand everything that's gone wrong with
the USA in the past four years as the plot of an evil King (a trope that
was also found in Barbara Garson's Macbird, a send-up of LBJ
during the Vietnam war), the real problem is the lack of a hero to
come to the rescue in the final act. While so many liberals (including
Michael Moore) hope that the Democrats arrive on a white horse to
rescue the American people, the truth is that the Democrats have been
complicit in the right wing drive to make war abroad, deprive us of
decent jobs and curtail civil liberties.
With respect to his ambitions, Bush is not qualitatively different from
previous scary Republican Party presidents, from Richard Nixon to
Ronald Reagan. What he has and what they lacked is control over the
Congress and Judiciary, something that has not occurred since the
1950s. Furthermore, Bush benefits from having a supine Democratic
legislative opposition that has voted for the Patriot 

Vote Nader/Camejo 2004!

2004-06-21 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Vote Nader/Camejo 2004!
Great news! Ralph Nader did the right thing and chose Peter Miguel
Camejo for his running mate:
Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader selected Peter Camejo,
a Green Party activist from California, as his vice presidential
nominee on Monday.
The pick comes just days before the Green Party will select its
candidate for the White House at its national convention in
Milwaukee, where Camejo said he will make the case for Nader, the
party's presidential nominee four years ago.
Although not actively seeking the Green nomination, Nader said he
would accept it and the access to 22 state ballot lines the party
selection brings with it. . . .
Camejo ran as the Green Party candidate for governor of California in
the special election won by Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger. Camejo
appeared in the campaign's only nationally televised debate and won 3
percent of the vote. He also ran for governor in 2002, winning 5
The son of Venezuelan immigrants and fluent in Spanish, Camejo said
at the press conference announcing his selection he would lead the
Nader campaign's outreach to Hispanics, a traditional Democratic
The campaign's central issue, Camejo said, would be opposition to the
war in Iraq, and criticized Bush and Kerry for having identical
positions. . . .
His campaign turned in about 40,000 signatures on Monday to get on
the Illinois ballot, more than the required 25,000. Petitions have
also been completed in Texas and Arizona and are awaiting
certification. . . . (Rolando Garcia/Reuters, "Independent Nader Taps
Green Party Activist for VP," June 21, 2004)
Nader's choice of Camejo as his vice presidential candidate makes it
much easier for the left-wing of the Green Party -- of which Camejo
is the most prominent member -- to get the party to endorse the Nader
campaign at its national convention. Now, the promise of the Nader
campaign has dramatically increased quantitatively and qualitatively.
The Nader/Camejo ticket will likely receive the Green Party's 22
state ballot lines and, in addition to Nader's own efforts so far and
the Reform Party's 7 ballot lines, can mount an all-out campaign in
almost all states! Camejo will move the Nader campaign's politics
sharply to the left, too, especially on issues such as immigration on
which Nader's own rhetoric at times has been found wanting by
left-wing activists. Now, we're really good to go!
Vote Nader/Camejo 2004!
[The text with full links:
* Critical Montages: <>
* Bring Them Home Now! <>
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
<>, & <>
* Student International Forum: <>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <>
* Al-Awda-Ohio: <>
* Solidarity: <>

Re: Nader/Camejo

2004-06-21 Thread Dan Scanlan
the radio news says that Ralph Nader has chosen Peter Camejo as his
vice-presidential running mate. Camejo is good, but I don't think they
should start measuring the White House for new carpets yet...
They couldn't afford it anyway --there's so much crap swept under the
current rug it will take a revolutionary device to pull it up.
Dan Scanlan


2004-06-21 Thread Devine, James
the radio news says that Ralph Nader has chosen Peter Camejo as his
vice-presidential running mate. Camejo is good, but I don't think they
should start measuring the White House for new carpets yet...