Re: Other People's Money

2001-07-18 Thread Rakesh Narpat Bhandari

>JUL 18, 2001
>Other People's Money
>I t wasn't true when Richard Nixon said it, but it is true today: We
>are all Keynesians now at least when we look at our own economy. We
>give anti-Keynesian advice only to other countries.
>When it comes to the U.S. economy, everyone including people who
>imagine that they have rejected Keynesianism in favor of some doctrine
>more congenial to the free-market faithful in practice views the
>current slowdown in terms of the intellectual framework John Maynard
>Keynes created 65 years ago. In particular, everyone thinks that
>during a slump what we need is more spending.

If Greenspan were a Keynesian, why did he raise rates last year with 
hardly any inflation and stable unit labor costs?  He acted as if he 
wanted to bring on an economic slump. And so he did.  So maybe the 
view of recessions as douches is not discredited even in the US.

>Before Keynes, the general view was quite the opposite: economic
>slumps were supposed to be the invisible hand's way of punishing
>excesses, and the best cure was supposed to be a good dose of
>austerity, public and private. Only as a result of the Keynesian
>revolution did it become obvious to everyone so obvious that people
>take it for granted that the problem during a slump is too little
>spending, not too much, and that recovery depends on persuading the
>public to start spending again.

It is not obvious to me that Japan's massive fiscal stimulus has 
worked as Keynesian theory would predict. If Krugman wants everyone 
to be a Keynesian, he has to explain (away) its failures--the failure 
of Keynesian fiscal policy to have much impact in Japan, the 
devolution of Keynesian policy into runaway inflation in the 70s.

>So every time you read an article worrying that declining consumer
>confidence may tip us into recession, or that interest rate cuts will
>soon spark a recovery, or even that this time interest rate reductions
>may not do the trick, you are reading Keynesian economics.

Yes but with the world economy teetering on the precipice, why are 
not Krugman and deLong militating for big new debt-financed 
government expenditures? It seems to me that Keynesianism may not be 
dead, but it's been cut down to size in the US as is so evident in 
Krugman's and deLong's technocratic over-reliance on monetary policy.

>  Like the
>man who was unaware that he had been writing prose all his life, these
>writers may not know that they are Keynesians but they are.

Or maybe Krugman does not know what a real Keynesian is (Eisner, Davidson).

>And you would have to search far and wide to find anyone who thinks
>that the U.S. government should slash spending and raise taxes to
>offset the budget impact of this year's downturn, or who thinks that
>the Fed is wrong to cut interest rates in the face of a slump. (There
>are some people who think that the Fed has overdone it but they aren't
>opposed to the policy in principle.)

And you would have to search even farther and wider to find someone 
who believes that the govt should not give money back in tax rebates 
but spend it (bigger Samuelsonian multiplier if govt spends than from 
a tax rebate) and then spend more through debt financed expenditures. 
It seems to me that Keynesianism as a solution to global deflation is 
in fact dead, and that is evident in the limited "Keynesian" policies 
which technocrats like Krugman and deLong advocate. Krugman and 
deLong arguably represent the death of Keynesianism.

>But we by which I mean both policy makers in Washington and bankers in
>New York often seem to prescribe for other countries the kind of
>root-canal economics that we would never tolerate here in the U.S.A.

We tolerated our independent central bank thrusting us into recession 
this year.

>Yesterday former Senator Howard Baker, our new ambassador to Japan,
>told reporters he did not expect to see that country drive down the
>value of the yen. Aside from being inappropriate exchange rate policy
>is a highly sensitive subject, about which even the secretary of the
>Treasury needs to be highly circumspect this comment was part of a
>pattern of hints from U.S. officials that we would not like to see
>Japan weaken its currency.

Krugman gives no attention to the competitive devaluations  which a 
depreciating yen could engender.

>  Since it is very difficult to imagine a
>recovery strategy for Japan that does not involve at least the
>possibility of a much weaker yen, this amounts to telling the Japanese
>that they cannot do what we do routine

Other People's Money

2001-07-18 Thread Stephen E Philion

JUL 18, 2001

Other People's Money


   I t wasn't true when Richard Nixon said it, but it is true today: We
   are all Keynesians now at least when we look at our own economy. We
   give anti-Keynesian advice only to other countries.

   When it comes to the U.S. economy, everyone including people who
   imagine that they have rejected Keynesianism in favor of some doctrine
   more congenial to the free-market faithful in practice views the
   current slowdown in terms of the intellectual framework John Maynard
   Keynes created 65 years ago. In particular, everyone thinks that
   during a slump what we need is more spending.

   Before Keynes, the general view was quite the opposite: economic
   slumps were supposed to be the invisible hand's way of punishing
   excesses, and the best cure was supposed to be a good dose of
   austerity, public and private. Only as a result of the Keynesian
   revolution did it become obvious to everyone so obvious that people
   take it for granted that the problem during a slump is too little
   spending, not too much, and that recovery depends on persuading the
   public to start spending again.

   So every time you read an article worrying that declining consumer
   confidence may tip us into recession, or that interest rate cuts will
   soon spark a recovery, or even that this time interest rate reductions
   may not do the trick, you are reading Keynesian economics. Like the
   man who was unaware that he had been writing prose all his life, these
   writers may not know that they are Keynesians but they are.

   And you would have to search far and wide to find anyone who thinks
   that the U.S. government should slash spending and raise taxes to
   offset the budget impact of this year's downturn, or who thinks that
   the Fed is wrong to cut interest rates in the face of a slump. (There
   are some people who think that the Fed has overdone it but they aren't
   opposed to the policy in principle.)

   But we by which I mean both policy makers in Washington and bankers in
   New York often seem to prescribe for other countries the kind of
   root-canal economics that we would never tolerate here in the U.S.A.

   Yesterday former Senator Howard Baker, our new ambassador to Japan,
   told reporters he did not expect to see that country drive down the
   value of the yen. Aside from being inappropriate exchange rate policy
   is a highly sensitive subject, about which even the secretary of the
   Treasury needs to be highly circumspect this comment was part of a
   pattern of hints from U.S. officials that we would not like to see
   Japan weaken its currency. Since it is very difficult to imagine a
   recovery strategy for Japan that does not involve at least the
   possibility of a much weaker yen, this amounts to telling the Japanese
   that they cannot do what we do routinely, that is, print however much
   money it takes to get the economy moving again.

   And then, of course, there's Argentina. What's shocking about the
   political and economic crisis there is not so much its severity though
   it is amazing to see the punishment now being inflicted on a country
   that just three years ago was the toast of Wall Street as how
   gratuitous it is. We're talking about a government whose debt really
   isn't very large compared with the size of its national economy, and
   whose fairly modest budget deficit is entirely the product of an
   economic slump, forced into drastic spending cuts that will further
   worsen that slump. It wouldn't be tolerated here but the bankers in
   New York tell the Argentines that they have no alternative. And
   Washington not the Bush administration, which has been eerily silent
   as Argentina melts down, but the conservative think tanks that helped
   the country bind itself in a monetary straitjacket agrees.

   Does it have to be this way? Is Keynesianism good only for the U.S.
   and selected other Western countries, but out of bounds for everyone
   else? Maybe. But I suspect that the core of the problem is that small
   countries, and even big countries like Japan that have lost their
   self-confidence, are too easily bullied by men in suits who give them
   advice dictated by a hard-line ideology they would never try to impose
   back home.

   My advice would be to stop listening to those men in suits, and do as
   we do, not as we say.

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