Oh these brits they're sharp.

Giddens:  "In the US, Bush won - by the skin of his teeth -
only because Ralph Nader took away votes from Al Gore. " 

LOL.  Everyone knows it was Monica Moorehead's fault!!


> (Posted to Marxmail by Ed George)
> [Anthony Giddens is the man generally accredited with founding the 
> ideology of the 'third way', the ideological camouflage preferred by 
> neo-liberal European social democracy, the most complete practitioner 
> of which generally being held to be Tony Blair. This article is 
> Giddens' attempt to meet the criticism that the generalised 
> difficulties faced by European social democracy - and by extension 
> the rise of far-right forces - are a result of a too great move to 
> the right. Giddens responds with more of the same. Particularly 
> significant - and alarming - is Giddens' conclusion that to save 
> itself, and to counteract the threat of the right - social democracy 
> has to be more tough on crime, and on immigration: i.e. to defeat the 
> far right it has to adapt itself to its positions.]
> <http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,709089,00.html>
> -- 
> Louis Proyect, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/03/2002
> Marxism list: http://www.marxmail.org

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