It's interesting that a foreign-trade&finance expert like PK never mentions
that a lot of the steel industry's problems recently have been due to the
steep appreciation of the dollar (relative to its biggest trading partners)
since 1995. 

> [no mention of the 'Mexico' bailout as a form of
> protectionism...]
> [NYTimes]
> March 8, 2002
> Testing His Metal
> Just a few days ago, some supporters of George W. Bush hoped
> that he would show his mettle by standing up to steel industry
> demands for tariff protection. Instead he capitulated, with a
> cravenness that surprised even his critics.
> It's quite a contrast with Bill Clinton, who - like Mr. Bush -
> declared his belief in the benefits of free trade, but - unlike
> Mr. Bush - was willing to spend a lot of political capital in
> support of that belief. Many Democrats are protectionists, so
> Mr. Clinton reached out for Republican support to pass both the
> North American Free Trade Agreement and the treaty creating the
> World Trade Organization. He defied intense bipartisan
> opposition to rescue Mexico from its 1995 financial crisis,
> which might have destroyed Nafta, and resisted pressure to limit
> imports, including steel imports, during the Asian financial
> crisis of 1997-1998.
> It's possible that Mr. Clinton's determination to do what he
> believed was right on international trade cost the Democrats the
> White House - not just because West Virginia's electoral votes
> provided Mr. Bush with his winning margin, but because Mr.
> Clinton's free-trade policies fueled Ralph Nader's spoiler
> campaign.
> Now we know for sure what some of us already suspected: that the
> Bush administration is all hat and no cattle when it comes to
> free trade, and probably free markets in general.
> Never mind Mr. Bush's claim that his decision to impose high
> tariffs on imported steel was simply a matter of enforcing the
> law. Nothing in U.S. law obliged him to impose tariffs - and
> it's pretty clear that the tariffs violate our international
> trade treaties.
> We can also dismiss the claim that this was "temporary relief so
> that the industry could restructure itself." Traditional steel
> producers are in long-term decline, the result less of imports
> than of competition from so-called mini-mills, exacerbated by
> the fact that an increasingly service-oriented economy uses far
> less steel per dollar of G.D.P. than it used to. A temporary
> import tariff won't turn this trend around.
> True, the steel industry does have a special problem: "legacy
> costs," the benefits steel companies promised to retired workers
> in happier days. These costs mean that the failure of major
> companies would cause disproportionate hardship; they also make
> it hard for the industry to reorganize itself, because no
> investor wants to buy a company burdened with huge liabilities.
> But economists long ago concluded that import restrictions are
> the wrong way to deal with domestic problems. Such problems
> should, instead, be dealt with at the source - in this case, by
> having the government take over at least some of those
> liabilities. Trying to mitigate the problem with tariffs will be
> far less effective, and will impose a lot of collateral damage.
> As one harsh critic of the administration's action declared,
> tariffs "are nothing more than taxes that hurt low- and
> moderate-income people."
> Oh, sorry - that wasn't an administration critic. That's what
> Robert Zoellick, Mr. Bush's trade representative, said a few
> weeks before his master decided that protectionism in the
> pursuit of political advantage is no vice.
> If Mr. Bush really felt he had to do something for the steel
> industry, why not address the legacy costs? His excuse - that
> such action is up to Congress, not the White House - was, like
> the claim that he was just upholding the law, a weak (and
> characteristic) effort to shift the blame. (Am I the only one
> who thinks of this as the 'Johnny did it!' administration?) The
> real reason, presumably, was that direct help to the industry
> would be an explicit budget item, while the costs of
> protectionism - though far larger - are mostly hidden.
> In addition to being bad economics, the steel tariffs are
> terrible diplomacy. Our staunchest allies are outraged:
> Britain's prime minister, Tony Blair, pronounced the move
> "unwarranted, unacceptable and wrong." Even before the steel
> verdict, the United States was developing a reputation for
> hypocrisy - ready and willing to criticize others for failing to
> live up to their responsibilities, but unwilling to live up to
> its own. Now that our free-trade rhetoric has proved empty, who
> will listen to our preaching?
> Let's be clear: Many Democrats were on the wrong side of the
> steel issue. But it was up to Mr. Bush to show leadership, to
> demonstrate that he really cares about the principles he
> espouses. I guess not.

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