Re: Dialectical materialism andecology

2000-05-26 Thread Jim Devine

I asked:
>but what is "thaxis"? I know what "praxis" is.

CB:> I've always thought it was sort of thaxis is to theory as praxis is to 

but praxis is supposed to be the unity of theory and practice, no?

Doug writes: >Theory + practice = thaxis.

but practice + theory = praxis. Which by the transitivity principle of 
definitions means that praxis = thaxis, which agrees with CB.

MBS writes: >I thought it went back to the old saying, the only certain 
things are debt and thaxis.<

hey, don't make fun of people with speech defeks!

all of this is getting nowhere. Did someone simply make the word up?


Re: Re: Dialectical materialism andecology

2000-05-26 Thread J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.

 "Thaxis" was neologized by somebody (don't
remember who) involved with what was once called
the marxism-2 list.  This was the original spinoff, although
perhaps preceded by the OPE list crowd, from the old
marxism list that had everybody and their whole families,
tribes, cliques, and sects on it.  Open warfare led to the defection
of the marxism-2 people who objected to death-threatening
Stalinists on the marxism list.
  A while later there was a general decision to proliferate
lots of marxism-space lists which then happened.  Around that
time the marxism-2 list changed its name to marxism-thaxis.
Perhaps one of those responsible will 'fess up as to whodunit.
Rob Schaap?
Barkley Rosser
-Original Message-
From: Jim Devine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, May 26, 2000 5:33 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:19642] Re: Dialectical materialism andecology

>I asked:
>>but what is "thaxis"? I know what "praxis" is.
>CB:> I've always thought it was sort of thaxis is to theory as praxis is to
>but praxis is supposed to be the unity of theory and practice, no?
>Doug writes: >Theory + practice = thaxis.
>but practice + theory = praxis. Which by the transitivity principle of
>definitions means that praxis = thaxis, which agrees with CB.
>MBS writes: >I thought it went back to the old saying, the only certain
>things are debt and thaxis.<
>hey, don't make fun of people with speech defeks!
>all of this is getting nowhere. Did someone simply make the word up?

Re: Re: Dialectical materialism andecology

2000-05-26 Thread Rob Schaap

>all of this is getting nowhere. Did someone simply make the word up?

Yep.  I think it was Lisa Rogers, a shining character who found absolutely
everything interesting and was instrumental back in '94 and '95 in trying to
restructure Marxism space (back at Virginia U's Spoons list server) to cater
for different interests and personalities.  Lots of people here remember
Lisa better than I do.  The poor women died, only in her thirties, before I
got to know her.  Anyway, I think 'Thaxis' is her coinage, and was meant in
those days to appeal to people more inclined to abstract theoretical
discussions.  It's long since lost that focus, however, as the whole
Marxism-space thing fractured (as things Marxist will, it seems) and now it
boasts about 120 subscribers from all persuasions and over a dozen
countries, some of whom just hadn't got on well with the moderators of the
lefty lists that proliferated after the flame-out.  It's a much less
American list than most, and perhaps because its subscribers do not share
issues, interests and experience as intensely as do people who share a
nationality (not a Marxist analysis, I know), it's rather quieter - usually
serving as a forum where assorted Trots meet assorted left socdems on rather
better terms than they do elsewhere.  I'd like it to be rather more than
that, but it has its moments.  It's a cozy place to try out one's more
daring speculations re current global trends and, as here, getting a handle
on what is and is not Marx's 'materialist conception', anyway.


Re: Re: Re: Dialectical materialism andecology

2000-05-29 Thread JKSCHW

In a message dated 5/26/00 6:02:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< "Thaxis" was neologized by somebody (don't
 remember who) involved with what was once called
 the marxism-2 list. >>

It was me and Ralph Dumain. --jks

Re: Re: Re: Dialectical materialism andecology

2000-05-29 Thread JKSCHW

In a message dated 5/27/00 12:47:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<<  Anyway, I think 'Thaxis' is her coinage, and was meant in
 those days to appeal to people more inclined to abstract theoretical
 discussions. >>

Actualy, you may be right. Ralph and I pushed it, though. Lisa was very close 
to Ralph. --jks