Pen-lers will be interested in two (at least two) debates at the
upcoming Socialist Scholars Conference.

        Globalization or Not: Its Political Consequences for
        Organizing at the Millennium.

        Sponsor: CUNY Democratic Socialist of America
                Stanley Aronowitz, Author, "The Jobless Future"
                Richard DuBoff, Bryn Mawr College
                Doug Henwood, Author, "Wall Street"
                Frances Fox Piven, Author,
                "The Breaking of the American Social Contract"
                Erika Polakoff, Bloomfield College

        Time:   Saturday, March 21, 1:00 PM


        A Debate on Ecology and Social Change

        Sponsor: Monthly Review


                David Harvey, Johns Hopkins University
                John Bellamy Foster, University of Oregon

        Time:   Sunday, March 22, 10:00 AM

The Socialist Scholars Conference will be held from Friday, March 20 to
Sunday, March 22 at Borough of Manhattan Community College, 199 Chambers
Street in downtown New York City.

Admission to the Conference is:

                Regular:        $45.00
                Low Income:     $30.00
                HS/Undergrad:    $8.00
                One Day:        $20.00

For more information visit our web page at


or email us at
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or call
                (212) 642-2418.

See you there.

Robert Saute


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