[PEN-L:708] AFL-CIO executive council statement on the MAI (fwd)

1998-10-27 Thread michael

Forwarded message:
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 14:16:40 -0800
From: Sid Shniad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: AFL-CIO executive council statement on the MAI
X-UID: 1569

AFL-CIO Executive Council
October 14, 1998


Since 1995, the U.S. government has been leading an effort by 29 of the 
world's richest nations to negotiate a Multilateral Agreement on Investment 
(MAI).  Negotiated under the auspices of the Organization for Economic 
Cooperation and Development, the MAI was scheduled to be completed in April 
of 1998. Growing popular opposition forced a temporary suspension of 
negotiations, which are scheduled to resume in October 1998.

The principle objective of the MAI is to strengthen and expand 
international rules that elevate the mobility of capital and the rights of 
investors above all other considerations.  In this system, worker rights, 
environmental protection, and necessary government regulation of the economy 
take a back seat to the interests of private capital.  The AFL-CIO rejects 
this model as irredeemably flawed, harming workers across the globe, while 
enriching the financial sector.  At a time when the current system is 
increasingly being questioned, it is folly to lock in rules that only serve 
to perpetuate this system.

Unpredictable and uncontrollable capital flows have created turmoil in the 
global economy.  The sudden outflow of investment funds has undone years of 
growth in a matter of moments, leading to economic meltdowns in Mexico in 
1994-95, in Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia, and Malaysia in 1997-98, and 
in Russia this year.  The conventional wisdom that countries should respond 
to such crisis with austerity and export-led growth exacerbates the problem 
of weak global demand.  The U.S. economy suffers the impact of the 
international crisis in import-competing markets like steel, auto, apparel 
and electronics; in the loss of export markets; and in all the industries 
and activities that support these sectors.

We are at an important historic turning point. The expert wisdom of a few 
years ago -- that a deregulated world market would create prosperity for all 
-- is now discredited. We have an opportunity to rethink and reshape the 
rules of the global economy.  We should ensure that the global economy of 
the future is one built on a solid foundation of democratic, sustainable,

and egalitarian growth, not unlimited profit for a few corporate giants.

The model of globalization promoted by the MAI underlies many of the 
problems in the world economy.  The AFL-CIO rejects the MAI as flawed in 
both model and design. We will oppose this and any similar set of rules in 
the OECD, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, or 
any other forum.

The problems with the draft of the MAI include:

Labor Rights -- The labor rights provisions in the MAI are unacceptable, 
consisting only of weak hortatory language that imposes no effective 
penalties for violation of internationally recognized labor rights and no 
meaningful obligation to enforce existing laws.

Expropriation and Compensation -- The MAI grants extraordinary rights to 
corporations, protecting them from government action that might reduce the 
value of their investments. Using broad definitions of investor rights, 
these rules would empower corporations and investors to demand cash damages 
for any government action that has the "equivalent effect" of an "indirect 

National Treatment - The MAI requires governments to treat foreign investors 
"no less favorably" than domestic investors. This principle is at odds with 
some legitimate domestic political and economic objectives, such as 
preserving jobs or protecting natural resources.

Performance Requirements - The MAI restricts governments' ability to impose 
restrictions on foreign investors. For example, governments may not require 
foreign investors to give preference to domestic inputs, achieve a given 
level of domestic content, or hire local citizens. These measures are 
important tools for local economic development, and the decision whether or 
not to use them should be one made by democratic process, not an 
international agreement.

Most Favored Nation - The MAI requires governments to give the same 
favorable treatment to all investors.  That means that federal, state and 
local governments cannot differentiate between companies from countries that 
don't comply with international labor or human rights standards and those 
that do.

Investor-to State Dispute Resolution - The MAI grants individual 
corporations the right to sue governments when they believe their rights 
under the agreement have been violated. This opens the possibility of 
exposing governments to potentially large liabilities, forcing

Statement on the MAI

1998-01-29 Thread Sid Shniad

Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 
From: Andrea Durbin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
In the next few weeks, the political representatives for the OECD 
countries will be meeting (the week of February 16th) to decide 
whether to: 
 a) proceed with the negotiations for the MAI or 
 b) to scrap the agreement altogether.  Groups around the world 
are gearing up to increase the pressure nationally and 
internationally that the MAI should be dropped. 
Below is a joint NGO statement that was released in Paris during the NGO 
consultation meeting with the OECD last October.  We are asking groups to 
endorse this statement so that we can re-release it internationally with 
more signatures the week of February 9th. 
If your organization can endorse this statement, please send me your 

Also, please circulate this message broadly to other networks you work 
Thanks in advance for your help.  Keep up the fight against the MAI.  Its 
defeat could be the next blow to the globalization agenda! 
Regards, Andrea Durbin, Friends of the Earth, US 
NGO/ OECD Consultation on the MAI 
Paris: 27 October, 1997 
As a coalition of development, environment and consumer groups from around 
the world, with representation in over 70 countries, we consider the draft 
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) to be a damaging agreement which 
should not proceed in its current form, if at all. 
There is an obvious need for multilateral regulation of investments in view 
of the scale of social and environmental disruption created by the 
increasing mobility of capital. However, the intention of the MAI is not to 
regulate investments but to regulate governments. As such, the MAI is 
MAI negotiations began in the OECD in the Spring of 1995, more than two 
years ago, and are claimed to be substantially complete by the OECD. Such 
negotiations have been conducted without the benefit of participation from 
non-OECD countries and civil society, including non-governmental 
organizations representing the interests of workers, consumers, farmers or 
organizations concerned with the environment, development and human rights. 
As a result, the draft MAI is completely unbalanced. It elevates the rights 
of investors far above those of governments, local communities, citizens, 
workers and the environment. The MAI will severely undermine even the meagre 
progress made towards sustainable development since the Rio Earth Summit in 
The MAI is not only flawed in the eyes of NGOs, but conflicts with 
international commitments already made by OECD member countries: 
The MAI fails to incorporate any of the several relevant international 
agreements such as the Rio Declaration; Agenda 21; UN Guidelines for 
Consumer Protection (1985); the UNCTAD Set of Multilaterally Agreed 
Principles for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices  (1981); and 
the HABITAT Global Plan of Action. 
The MAI fails to comply with OECD commitments to integrate economic, 
environmental and social policies (1). 
The MAI removes responsibilities on transnational enterprises which were 
previously agreed by the OECD under the OECD Guidelines for Multilateral 
Enterprises 1976 (2). 
The exclusion of developing countries and countries in transition from the 
negotiations is inconsistent with OECD policy on development partnerships 
Problems with the MAI stem both from the broad restrictions it places on 
national democratic action, and from its failure to include sufficient new 
systems of international regulation and 
As the MAI stands, it does not deserve to gain democratic approval in any 
country. All the groups signing this statement will campaign against its 
adoption unless changes, including those cited below, are incorporated into 
the body of the MAI. 
As drafted, the MAI does not respect the rights of countries - in particular 
countries in transition and developing countries - including their need to 
democratically control investment into their economies. 
The level of liberalisation contained in the MAI has already been opposed as 
inappropriate by many developing countries. However, non-OECD countries are 
under increasing pressure to join. 
There are differing investment and development needs of OECD and non-OECD 
countries. In particular, the potential for economic diversification and 
development of the developing countries - especially the least developed 
countries - and countries in transition would be severely undermined by the 
provisions of the MAI. The standstill principle would cause particular 
problems for countries in transition, many of which have not yet developed 
adequate business regulation. 
The MAI's withdrawal provision would effectively bind nations to one 