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              The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 19 May 2000
                         Vol. 4, Number 42 (#423)

The Notion of "Traditional Values"
   Philip Pullella (Reuters), "Pope John Paul Urges Return to Traditional
      Values," 13 May 00 
   Deborah Mokma, "Dear Dr. Laura ... I would like to sell my daughter into
      slavery, as it suggests in Exodus 21:7." 
More on Dr. Laura and Hate Speech
   Colin Nickerson (Boston Globe), "Canada silences Dr. Laura on gays:
      Panel rebukes host for her 'abusive' bias," 12 May 00 
   Seattle Times, "Dr. Laura's tempest comes to town," 15 May 00



Pope John Paul Urges Return to Traditional Values
Philip Pullella (Reuters)
13 May 00

FATIMA, Portugal -- Pope John Paul, beatifying two shepherd children who
had visions of the Madonna in 1917, said Saturday that modern society had
to return to traditional values if it wanted to avoid self-destruction.

In his sermon at a beatification mass attended by hundreds of thousands of
people, the Pope did not disclose the so-called "Secret of Fatima," said to
have been told by the Virgin Mary to three child visionaries in 1917 in
this central Portuguese town.

It was not clear if the Pope would refer to the secret, which some fear may
be a prediction of an apocalyptic event, later in the day before returning
to Rome.

While the first two parts of the Madonna's message are well known, the
third has never been revealed to anyone but Popes and a few top Vatican
officials, sparking speculation the Pontiff could divulge it in Fatima.

The beatification ceremony, in which Francisco and Jacinta Marto were
declared "blesseds" of the Church, was attended by Sister Lucia dos Santos,
a frail, 93-year-old nun who is the only survivor of the three visionaries.

At the shrine built around the spot of the 1917 events, cheers and tears
greeted the Pope's proclamation of beatification, the penultimate step
before sainthood, which can only be bestowed upon the dead.

Pope Refers To Madonna's Message

While the Pope did not disclose the Secret of Fatima in his homily, he did
refer generally to what the Church says was the Madonna's concern that sins
against God were putting the world on a destructive path.

"The message of Fatima is a call to conversion, appealing to humanity to
that it does not fall into the (devil's) trap," the Pope said, adding that
a struggle between good and evil was still in progress today.

The horrors of the past century, including wars, concentration camps,
gulags, ethnic cleansing, persecutions, terrorism, kidnappings, drugs and
abortion had produced many victims of evil, he said.

"Man, by putting God to the side, cannot reach happiness. He will only end
up destroying himself," the Pope, who wore resplendent gold and white
vestments and appeared to be in good form, told the crowd.  
Speaking on the 19th anniversary of the 1981 assassination attempt that
nearly killed him, the Pope also renewed his thanks to God for having been
"saved from death."

That shooting also took place on May 13 and the Pontiff, who turns 80
Thursday, is convinced that the Madonna of Fatima diverted bullets fired by
a professional killer so that they would not hit vital organs.

"One hand fired the gun and another guided the bullet," the Pope once said.

When he arrived Friday night, the Pope prayed before a statue of the
Madonna of Fatima, whose crown contains the bullet fired by Turkish gunman
Mehmet Ali Agca.

Secret Subject Of Hundreds Of Books

The Secret of Fatima has been the subject of hundreds of books, fills
thousands of web sites and even inspired a 1981 plane hijacking by a man
who wanted the Vatican to reveal it.

Doom and gloom predictions have percolated and been doused time and again
since Sister Lucia began writing down her recollections of the apparitions.

The first part of the Madonna's message was a vision of hell shown to the

In the second part, Mary predicted the outbreak of World War Two some 22
years before it started, asked for devotion to her Immaculate Heart and
asked that Russia, which was about to undergo the Bolshevik Revolution in
1917, be consecrated to her.

Otherwise, the Madonna is said to have told the children, to whom she
appeared each month from May to October, 1917, that Russia, about to become
the Soviet Union, would "spread her errors" in the world and the Pope would
suffer much.

Some Catholics believe Mary predicted the papal assassination attempt and
the fall of the Iron Curtain.

Portuguese police have mounted a massive security operation for the visit,
with some 1,500 officers being deployed in Lisbon and Fatima.

On the first of the Pope's visits in 1982, when he came to give thanks for
having survived the assassination attempt a year earlier, a fundamentalist
Spanish priest tried to stab him with a bayonet but failed. 

- - - - -

Dear Dr. Laura
Deborah Mokma

Dear Dr. Laura,

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's law. I have
learned a great deal from you, and I try to share that knowledge with as
many people as I can.

When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I
simply remind him that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an
abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however,
regarding some of the specific laws and how to best follow them.

When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a
pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev. 1:9). The problem is my neighbors. They
claim the odor is not pleasing to them. How should I deal with this?

I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as it suggests in Exodus
21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period
of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev. 15:19-24). The problem is, how do I tell?
I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

Lev. 25:44 states that I may buy slaves from the nations that are around
us. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans but not
Canadians. Can you clarify?

I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2
clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill
him myself?

A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination
(Lev. 10:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality.I don't agree.
Can you settle this?

Lev. 20:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a
defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my
vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can
help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and



Canada silences Dr. Laura on gays: Panel rebukes host for her 'abusive'
Colin Nickerson (Boston Globe)
12 May 00

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia -- Ruling that respect for gays and lesbians is a more 
fundamental value than freedom of speech, Canada's broadcast watchdog has 
thunderously condemned Dr. Laura Schlessinger, the pop psychologist, 
warning that her radio show could ignite antigay violence.

In what may be the most strongly-worded ruling in the body's history, the 
Canadian Broadcast Standards Council rebuked Schlessinger for what it 
called "abusively discriminatory" violations of Canada's broadcast code 
for stating that homosexual behavior is "abnormal," "aberrant," and 
"deviant" on her popular radio call-in program.

The council also condemned Canadian radio stations that broadcast the show, 
and will require them to censor antigay comments on future broadcasts and 
to broadcast statements on the ruling at prime time - in effect, warning 
Canadian listeners against Schlessinger's ideas.

In an unusual aside, the council stepped back from Schlessinger's show to 
take a swipe at the fundamental American precept that even unpopular 
opinions have the right to be aired.

"In Canada, we respect freedom of speech but do not worship it," the 
council stated. The self-policing industry regulatory group, to which 430 
private Canadian radio and television stations belong, denounced 
Schlessinger's views as tantamount to racism.

"The sexual practices of gays and lesbians are as much a part of their 
being as the color of one's skin or the gender, religion, age or ethnicity 
of an individual," the council ruled late Wednesday. "To use such brutal 
language as she does about such an essential characteristic flies in the 
face of Canadian provisions relating to human rights."

The ruling marked the second time in recent years that Canada has sought to 
swat a controversial American radio personality from the northern airwaves. 
In the mid-1990s, Howard Stern - then aired by two Canadian stations - came 
under fire from the broadcast council for referring to French-Quebecers as 
"scumbags" and saying they should learn English.

Stern's show has since been dropped by a Montreal station and is closely 
monitored and occasionally edited by the Toronto broadcaster.

Proponents of gay rights in Canada were jubilant about the harshly-worded 
ruling against Schlessinger, whose conservative notions have also drawn 
protests in the United States.

"I'm on Cloud Nine," said Ian Crowe of Halifax, one of the four 
individuals who filed formal complaints against Dr. Laura with the council. 
"I feel I've done good for the world.... What this says is Dr. Laura is 
not allowed to call me deviant, aberrant, disordered or dysfunctional."

According to industry estimates, Schlessinger's show attracts about 18 
million listeners on nearly 500 stations in the United States and Canada. 
She also writes a column for more than 100 newspapers.

In Canada, it is a criminal offense to "willfully promote hatred" against 
an "identifiable group," a category that includes racial, religious and 
ethnic minorities as well as people whose only common bond is their 
sexuality, such as gays or lesbians.

Ron Cohen, chairman of the broadcast council, said Canadian radio stations 
may still broadcast Schlessinger's show but must censor any comments that 
insult or denigrate homosexuals.

- - - - -

Dr. Laura's tempest comes to town
Seattle Times
15 May 00

Once more, Seattle is raising high the banner of protest. The pulse of 
activism that throbbed through town last December is revving up. Web sites 
and speed-dials are buzzing.

And all on account of one gabby, anti-gay radio dominatrix with a
compulsive need to spank her listeners.

When Paramount Studios last year gave famed disciplinarian Dr. Laura 
Schlessinger the go-ahead for a TV show, the syndicator surely never 
imagined what would ensue. Coast-to-coast demonstrations. A boycott of 
Procter & Gamble Co., which will advertise on "Dr. Laura." Public 
objections within Paramount from its many gay employees.

And this Saturday at 1 p.m., a "Stop Dr. Laura" rally in front of the 
Dexter Street headquarters of KING-TV, which will start broadcasting the 
show Sept. 13.

The gay-fueled movement to persuade KING and Paramount to kill 
Schlessinger's show before it ever airs comes to Seattle at a time when the 
city seems predisposed to protest - especially about human-rights issues.

"Stop Dr. Laura" organizers are hoping to make Seattle's turnout the 
biggest yet, and have slated a host of speakers from the local and national 
gay communities. The headliner is former congressional candidate Grethe 

But is the as-yet-unseen "Dr. Laura" really worth all this fuss? The 
wheezing talk-show genre is tanking on TV, with ratings for Ricki Lake, 
Jerry Springer and even "Oprah" in decline and recent mercy cancellations 
of Martin Short, Dr. Joy Browne and Donny and Marie Osmond.

Besides, our society espouses the principles of capitalism. KING paid good 
money for a program it's now obligated to air or else violate a contract. 
So why not let the marketplace decide?

Gay activists say no way.

To them, Dr. Laura's diatribes against homosexuality - she has likened it 
to bestiality, pedophilia and incest, and called gays "biological errors" -
make her someone who should never have gotten a TV deal in the first place.

"If Dr. Laura had called blacks 'biological errors,' no one would have 
given her a TV show," says Seattle protest organizer Pete Gregson. 
"Paramount's decision is akin to saying it's OK to be intolerant of gays 
and lesbians, just not any other minority group."

On Friday, a group of gay representatives will meet with KING's management 
to offer their concerns and an ultimatum: Get rid of the show or face 
protests and boycotts. The same tactics will apply to local advertisers 
whose commercials run on the show, says Gregson.

So far, neither Paramount nor any TV station planning to carry "Dr. Laura" 
has backed down.

That's not to say the protests haven't had an effect on the show. According 
to KING programming director Jay Cascio, Paramount promises Dr. Laura's 
guests and audience members will include a variety of viewpoints.

Furthermore, said Cascio, KING will vet the program - and be prepared to 
pull the plug.

"If 'Dr. Laura' promotes intolerance and bigotry, if it is not the show or 
episode we were promised, we will take it off," he said. "I do not defend 
Dr. Laura based on her past. What I defend is KING-5 and the standards we 
hold to as broadcasters, the relationship we have with the community and 
with individual groups."

Ironically, KING has a commendable scorecard on gay concerns, not only in 
its hiring and news practices, but in its charitable support. That, plus 
the potential loss of well-heeled gay viewers, makes the situation touchy 
for both sides.

But there's good reason to believe the "Dr. Laura" dilemma will resolve 
itself come fall.

Here's why: If "Dr. Laura" ends up delivering the rabid, bottom-thrashing 
lectures typical of her show on KOMO radio, KING will have to yank it.

And if it doesn't go over the top, what we're likely to see is another dull 
talk show with dull guests; in other words, a toothless program ripe for 
cancellation or consignment to the 2 a.m. slot on KONG-TV now occupied by -
oh, the ignominy - "Roseanne." 

                           * * * * *

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