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              The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 25 August 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 69 (#460)

Labor Protests
    Action Alerts: Benefit For MoMA Strikers , New York City, 30 Aug 00 --
       8:30 PM
    MPLU (press release), "Missouri Prisoners Labor Union Calls Boycott on
       Colgate/Pamolive, Endorses Boycott Against Marriott Group"
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
    American Family Association, "About Prayer At Football Games," 23 Aug 00
What's Worth Checking: 20 stories



Benefit For MoMA Strikers
New York City
30 Aug 00 -- 8:30 PM

A terrific triple bill of musical artists has stepped forward to help raise
badly needed funds for the MoMA strikers. Please join us on Wednesday,
August 30 for an evening of music and fun. All admissions will go directly
to the strike fund.

TONIC presents A Benefit for the MoMA Striker Hardship Fund, MARC RIBOT and
members of LOS CUBANOS POSTIZOS, with an unplugged set by KIRK KELLY and
the savant-garde sounds of KRAKATOA

in concert AUGUST 30, 8:00 p.m. at TONIC, 107 Norfolk Street, near
Rivington Tickets $18. Doors open at 7:30 p.m.


Proceeds from the evening will benefit the MoMA Striker Hardship Fund. The
Fund helps pay emergency medical, utility, and rent bills for striking
employees of the Museum of Modern Art, who have been out for 4 months. If
you can't come but want to support the strikers, send your check to Local
2110/MoMA Striker Hardship Fund, 113 University Place, 5th floor, New York,
NY 10003. (212) 387-0220

- - - - -

Missouri Prisoners Labor Union Calls Boycott on Colgate/Pamolive, Endorses
     Boycott Against Marriott Group
MPLU (press release)

The Missouri Prisoners Labor Union (MPLU) called  a boycott of
Colgate/Palmolive  last month, in response to the continued harassment of
Jerome White-Bey, MPLU president. White-Bey has served several moths in the
hole for refusing to cease organization and the promotion of the MPLU, and
as a few few weeks ago, prison guards at the Missouri Department of
Corrections continue to physically harass and threaten him.

The MPLU's demands are as follows: 1) The establishment of a minimum wage
for prisoners comparable to workers on the outside of the wall, 2)
abolition of forced labor and abuse by the authorities of  the Missouri
Department of Corrections (DOC), and 3) support of a Bill of Moratorium on
all executions in the state of Missouri. The MPLU argues that the chilling
effect of the death penalty is the worst of the many forms of coercion used
to scare prisoners from standing up as workers.

The MPLU is a legally chartered union by the state of Missouri, but has not
thus far been recognized by Colgate (who contacts labor to the Missouri
DOC) nor the DOC. The IWW General Assembly  will also consider resolutions
in support of the MPLU and the boycott over Labor Day weekend. The Seattle
IWW endorsed the MPLUs struggle for recognition in October of 1999.

The Missouri Prisoners Labor Union also announced on August 14th  that it
was formally endorsing an international boycott  initiated by Prison
Moratorium Project against all products-services produced either directly
or indirectly by Sodexho Marriott Services (SMS).

On March 28, 1998, the French multinational Sodexho Alliance (SA) took over
the North American operations of Marriott Management Services from the
Marriott Group.  The merger made the new corporation, Sodexho Marriott
Services (SMS), the largest institutional provider of food services in
North  America, with $4.5 billion in annual revenues.

As of the most recent Securities and Exchange Commission filings, Sodexho
currently holds  investments totaling 11% in Prison Realty
Trust/Corrections Corporation of America the leading investor in the
world's biggest for-profit prison company.

Corrections Corporation of America has a well documented history of abusing
Prisoners . At a CCA facility in Tennessee, prison officials delayed taking
a pregnant woman to a hospital, allowing her to suffer for 12 hours until
she died from an undiagnosed complication.

The Colorado ACLU filed suit against CCA's private prisoner transport
company on behalf of a woman who claimed that members of the all-male
transport crew sexually assaulted her repeatedly during her five-day trip
from Texas to Colorado.

Missouri Prisoners Labor Union-National Communications Officer (and fellow
worker) Michael Lee stated " The entire history of private prisons is rife
with abuse. Staff tends to be poorly trained, morale low due to substandard
wages, [and] minimum standards of service provision mandated by the
constitution are often ignored."

"This situation directly causes Prisoner abuse to rampage within every
private facility." He went on to state, "It is the use of  Prisoner labor
at slave wages which is very disturbing, for it attacks the standard of
living which organized labor has fought so hard to attain."

Student activists at Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA, successfully
pressured the administration into dropping a contract with Marriott, after
revealing Marriotts substantial holdings and profiteering in the prison
industry. This is a victory in the continuing resistance and public
campaign against the proliferation  of the prison system in the US, both
private and public. It is also a  victory for prison workers, in that the
bottom line of a corporation  that profits from the prison industry is now
being effected.

To write in support of MPLU members directly, contact:
    Jerome White Bey #37479 (MPLU President);
    Potosi Correctional Institution;
    Rt. 2  Box  2222  (3a-46); Mineral Point,  MO 63660;

   Bruce Cummings #36911 (National  Representative)
   Jefferson City Correctional Center;
   P.O. Box 900; Jefferson City, MO 65102;

   Sheik Mark Moor-El #990115  (National Coordinator);
   Jefferson City Correctional Center;
   P.O.  Box 900; Jefferson City, MO 65102.

Letters must be addressed exactly as printed here, or they may be rejected
by the DOC. To contact the MPLU office on the outside, write:
    Michael Lee, National Communications Officer, National Communications
    Office,  Missouri Prisoners Labor Union,
    2435 E. North St. PMB 255; Greenville, SC 29615




Ireland and the Spanish Civil War -- No Pasaran!




It's from the rightwing authoritarians and always has been


For those who believe that fascism is only a thing of the past

[The AFA is not, technically, fascist. But the post is of interest over the
issue of clerical fascism.

About Prayer At Football Games
American Family Association
23 Aug 00

The American Family Association is urging students and spectators to join
in reciting the Lord's Prayer at football games during the upcoming
season. The association says that this is one way students can exercise
their freedom of religion. AFA is encouraging those who desire to
participate to simply recite the Lord's Prayer immediately after the
national anthem is played.

"Of course we know the ACLU will go beserk," said Donald E. Wildmon,
president of AFA. "But on the other hand, there is no way the Supreme Court
can stop this because it is simply individuals participating on their own
without any leader."

In addition to this AFA Action Alert that has grown to over 12,000
participants, Wildmon says that the AFA will promote the effort on our
American Family Radio Network ( www.afr.net ) which has over 200 stations
across the nation. "The constitution says that Congress shall not prohibit
the free exercise of religion. This is a form of that free exercise, albeit
a symbolic one," Wildmon said.

Those who do not desire to participate do not have to do so, he said. He
said that he does not know what kind of response there will be to the
suggestion, but he would not be surprised should it be widely accepted.


                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story6/>

Dennis B. Roddy, Post-Gazette Staff Writer, "W. Va. town left looking for
answers after killing of gay black man," 12 Jul 00, "A rural county seat
spent an unquiet evening as ground zero in the debate over hate crimes last
night as nearly 1,000 people turned out to protest the murder of an openly
gay black man and noisy counter-demonstrators held up Day-Glo signs, one
declaring that the murdered man is in hell." <1701.txt>

Reproductive Freedom Taskforce of Refuse & Resist!, "Vancouver Abortion
Provider Stabbed: Attacks on Providers Continue on Many Fronts," 12 Jul 00,
"The Reproductive Freedom Taskforce of Refuse & Resist! is angered and
saddened but not surprised by the latest attack on an abortion provider.
Dedicated provider Dr. Gary Romalis was stabbed in the back Tuesday in the
lobby of his medical building in Vancouver.  He is in stable condition at
this hour and is expected to fully recover.  The attacker, described as a
hooded white man in his twenties, fled the scene and is still at large.
Abortion providers across the US and Canada have been alerted, and have
been advised to take extra security precautions." <1702.txt>

"From The Wilderness", "Moorer Deposition In 'Tailwind' Suits Confirms
Allegationsof Sarin Use Against Vietnam Defectors, POWs -- Incriminates
CIA, Kissinger," 24 Jun 00, "'From The Wilderness' has obtained the January
17 deposition of retired Joint Chiefs Chairman, Admiral Thomas Moorer taken
in connection with a series of civil suits filed in the aftermath of 1997
and 1998 CNN reports relating to a series of 1970 CIA directed missions
known as "Tailwind." Those missions, as originally, and apparently
accurately, reported by CNN involved the use of the poison nerve gas Sarin
to kill American defectors in Laos. The Moorer deposition not only confirms
all of the aspects of the original CNN broadcast, it also suggests that
former CNN Producers April Oliver and Jack Smith may have actually
understated the extent of Sarin Gas use by U.S. forces under CIA control
during the Vietnam war." <1703.txt>

Robert L. Jamieson Jr. and Hector Castro (Seattle Post-Intelligencer),
"Another racial incident preceded Ocean Shores stabbing death," 12 Jul 00,
"Three days before Chris Kinison was fatally stabbed in a racial fracas
involving two Asian men in Ocean Shores, he joined his friends as they
taunted a group of Asians visiting the seaside resort town. On July 1,
outside the Shores Mall, Kinison's friends confronted the group from
Seattle as they left a kite store and walked to their cars, police said.
Jennifer Kalaw, who was among the visitors targeted at the mall that day,
said that the group of men swore at them and made references to 'white
power'." <1704.txt>

via the Mexico-U.S. Border Program of the American Friends Service
Committee, "$15,000 REWARD OFFERED $15,000 Reward Offered For information
leading to the arrest of those responsible for the shooting and beating of
migrant workers in San Diego," 12 Jul 00, ""To send a message to "immigrant
bashers" that they will be brought to justice, Latino leaders plan to
announce on Thursday that they and Crime Stoppers are posting a $5,000
reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for
assaults and injuries to migrant workers at a Carmel Valley encampment July
5th. They will be joined at a 12 p.m. press conference by representatives
of the Anti-Defamation League, who are matching the original $5,000 reward,
San Diego Councilman Byron Wear has committed another $5,000, making for a
reward total of $15,000." <1705.txt>

Tom Baldwin (The Times [of London]), "Hague warned over support for racist
groups," 13 Jul 00, "William Hague has been advised that the Tories could
be squeezed at the general election because of a surge in support for
racist right-wing groups. A senior Tory official said that recent attacks
on the Government over immigration, and Mr Hague's promise to lock up all
asylum-seekers on arrival, 'were in danger of legitimising extremist
organisations such as the British National Party. ' Last week the BNP
pushed the Tories into third place in a council election in southeast
London. The previously marginal seat of North End in Bexley was won easily
by Labour, which polled 44 per cent of the vote; the BNP took 26 per cent
and pushed the Tories down to 23 per cent." <1706.txt>

Helena Smith (The Guardian), "Threat to sell German assets in Greek war
case," 13 Jul 00, "A court case over a Nazi massacre more than 50 years ago
was raising heat between Greece and Germany yesterday after bailiffs acting
on behalf of the victims started an attempt to seize German state property
in Athens. The process has been approved by Greece's highest court,
although a treaty was agreed by the two countries in final settlement of
all claims in the 1960s. Under it, Germany paid Greece 115m deutschmarks
(£38m at today's value) to compensate victims of the Nazi occupation
between 1941 and 1944. Police were called to intervene on Tuesday when
bailiffs walked in to the Athens building of the Goethe Institute -
Germany's state-backed cultural arm, similar to the British Council - to
start appraising the property with a view to auctioning it to pay those
involved in the court case." <1707.txt>

International Action Center (press release), "Victims of Police Preventive
Detention Action Strand Trial In Washington D.C.," 18 Jul 00, "This
Tuesday, July 18, victims of the mass arrest of 678 people on April 15 in
Washington D.C. will stand trial.  The defendants include Brian Becker, Co-
Director of the International Action Center, George Vavatsikos, a Greek
American activist and others. The defendants face 90 days in jail and fines
if convicted of disorderly conduct. They were arrested last April 15 at a
demonstration held in conjunction with the week of protests against
meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington
D.C." <1708.txt>

Richard Ford (The Times [of London]), "Straw turns fire on racist English,"
17 Jul 00, "Jack Straw, the Home Secretary, yesterday blamed the jingoism
surrounding the British Empire for fuelling racism and English hostility
towards foreigners. Football hooliganism and racism were largely caused by
English people with a distorted view of their own nationality, he said. He
contrasted English attitudes towards foreigners with the lack of hostility
shown towards them by the Scots, Welsh or Irish." <1709.txt>

Dennis B. Roddy (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette), "Gag order issued in W.Va.
killing," 13 Jul 00, "Prosecutors ended a four-hour hearing into the
beating death of an openly gay black man by refusing to acknowledge the
case even exists, and one lawyer said the judge presiding has issued a
sweeping gag order on everyone involved. 'What hearing? I don't know what
you're talking about,' said Judge Rodney B. Merrifield, as he took off the
robes he wore in a locked courtroom where authorities had just discussed a
murder case against two 17-year-olds accused of beating to death Arthur C.
"JR" Warren Jr. Merrifield repeatedly cited West Virginia law that he says
forbids any discussion of cases involving juveniles, but it was later
learned he found probable cause to hold the two on the charges." <1710.txt>

Richard J. Riordan (Mayor, Los Angeles), "A Fair Warning to All: Don't
Disrupt Our City : Responsible demonstrators are fine, but police will
respond firmly to troublemakers," 13 Jul 00, "When delegates converge on
Los Angeles in August for the Democratic National Convention, their job
will be to define the party's platform and choose their presidential and
vice presidential candidates. Our job will be to ensure the safety and
well-being of our city and the visitors and demonstrators who want to
peaceably exercise their free speech rights during this convention. But
fair warning to all: The police will get tough when confronted with
lawlessness. They will protect against any group intent on shutting down
our city." <1711.txt>

CBC, "New threats against B.C. abortion providers," 14 Jul 00, "Someone is
threatening doctors who provide abortions in the Vancouver area. An
unidentified man called the Vancouver Province newspaper saying he was
sorry he had failed to kill a local gynecologist he stabbed on Tuesday."

Jerry White (World Socialist Web Site), "Police, media smear Detroit man
killed by security guards," 13 Jul 00, "In the aftermath of last week's
demonstration by 7,000 protesters against the killing of a black worker by
security guards at a suburban Detroit shopping mall, the police and local
news media have worked in tandem to sway public opinion against the victim
and his family. Frederick Finley, 32, died after he was assaulted on June
22 in a parking lot outside the Lord & Taylor department store at the
Fairlane Town Center in Dearborn. Finley had come to the defense of his 11-
year-old stepdaughter, who was being forcibly detained by five plain
clothes Lord & Taylor guards for allegedly shoplifting a $4 bracelet."

San Francisco Chronicle (editorial), "Massacre in Colombia," 17 Jul 00,
"Today, the village of El Salado is deserted. All of the town's 1,300
former residents have either fled or were killed in a grisly massacre four
months ago. According to human rights reports, paramilitary death squad
troops suddenly swooped into the village, turned a basketball court into a
killing field, and began executing anyone they suspected of supporting
leftist guerrillas. ... Is this what Americans want to support? Under the
guise of expanding our war against drugs, Congress has committed $1.3
billion to aid the Colombian military in their so-called battle against
drug traffic. But as this grim massacre reveals, what the Colombian army
really wants to eliminate are not coca plants, but leftist guerrillas-and
their sympathizers. ... Later, none of us will be able to say we didn't
know." <1714.txt>

International Action Center (press release), "Activists In New York City
Disrupt George Vush, Say 'Not One More Lynching'," 15 Jul 00, "Today, two
members of the International Action Center disrupted George Bush while 100
people demonstrated outside as the Conservative Party held a $500-per-plate
lunch.  This demonstration followed one Monday in Baltimore, where
activists remained vigilant in protest of Bush's execution of Shaka Sankofa
(Gary Graham)." <1715.txt>

Anti-Fascistisk Aktion-Stockholm, "Bjorn Soderberg's Murderers Sentenced,"
14 Jul 00, "The three nazis who murdered the Swedish syndicalist activist
Björn Söderberg have been sentenced in the High Court of Svea in Stockholm.
The sentence is of such a nature that it is not expected that the Swedish
Supreme Court will review the case in an appeal attempt. Two nazis hae been
sentenced for the murder, Hampus Hellekant and Björn Lindberg-Hernlund.
Both have received 11 years imprisonment, which is five more years than
they received in the lower court decision which they appealed. Jimmy
Niklasson, who was the get-away-driver has been charged as an accomplish to
murder and has received 3 years imprisonment." <1716.txt>

Charles Bremner (The Times [of London]), "France accepts guilt for wartime
anti-Semitism," 17 Jul 00, "France's efforts to atone for its wartime
persecution of Jews was raised to a new level yesterday when the country
marked its first "national day in memory of the racist and anti-Semitic
crimes of the French state". The day was promulgated by parliament last
week to coincide with yesterday's annual commemoration of the Vélodrome
d'Hiver roundup, in which Paris police, following the orders of the Nazi
occupiers, detained 13,000 people and herded them into a city stadium. Only
2,000 people survived their subsequent deportation to Nazi death camps. The
1942 operation, which marked the start of mass deportations that claimed
76,000 victims, has come to symbolise the evils of the anti-Semitic
policies adopted by the puppet government of Marshal Philippe Pétain."

Project Censored, "Ralph Nader, Walter Cronkite On Witness List; Fired
Journalists Stand Up To Media Empire; Whistleblower Case Is First Of Its
Kind," 14 Jul 00, "While an increasing number of Americans suspect
mainstream news organizations sometimes twist the news, two veteran
investigative journalists say they are ready to prove in court how Fox
television managers and lawyers at WTVT Fox 13 in Tampa ordered them to
deliberately distort news reports and then fired them for resisting those
directives. The landmark whistleblower lawsuit is believed to be the first
time any journalist has ever filed a claim against his own news
organization and offered evidence of behind-the-scenes manipulation of the
news. When the trial begins next Monday, reporters Jane Akre (pronounced
A'-cree) and Steve Wilson say they will show exactly how Fox hired them and
advertised their reputations for hard-hitting investigations but then
folded and pressured them to slant a story in favor of an advertiser...."

Mike Henderson (Reno Gazette-Journal), "ccused bombers choose prison over
trial," 14 Jul 00, "Five men have pleaded guilty to November's firebombing
of a Temple Emanu-El Synagogue in southwest Reno, and foor face up to 40
years in prison, the U.S. Attorney's office said Thursday. The pleas came
Wednesday night on the eve of what was to be the first in a series of
trials in which the men described as self-avowed skinheads were charged
with acts including committing a hate crime, Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel
Bogden said. The five young men from Nevada and California were accused of
throwing a Molotov cocktail Nov. 30 at the Temple Emanu-El Synagogue."

Angie Gaddy (Spokane Spokesman Review), "Police prepare for Aryan Nations
trial: Members of both sides of the case have received death threats," 14
Jul 00, "Kootenai County and police officials are bolstering security for
an August trial that will pit the Aryan Nations' leader against an attorney
whose goal is to bankrupt the racist organization. Victoria Keenan and her
son, Jason, allege in their civil lawsuit that members of the Aryan Nations
fired shots at them while they were outside of the compound in July 1998.
The seven-day trial, expected to garner national attention, is set to begin
Aug. 28 at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Police are concerned about how
many and what types of people will attend." <1720.txt>

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