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             The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 22 August 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 68 (#458)

We're Now Back on Our Regular Schedule
Information on the Civil Suit Against the Aryan Nations
    Aryan Nations, "The Barbarians Are At the Gate!"
    Aryan Nations, "Legal Defense Fund"
    Aryan Nations, "Aryan Brothers and Sisters: Can You Spare A Buck?
    Background on the trial, from TINAF
    Background on the Aryan Nations, from TINAF
Index to FTP Supplements on the Current German Situation
What's Worth Checking: 20 stories


We're now back on our regular production schedule after the unfortunate
incident with the state in early May. Since 10 June we've published 39
issues or more than one every two days. We'd like to thank all of you who
wrote with kind letters of support.

But while we're on schedule there are still almost two hundred stories to
which we haven't published pointers. Rather than skip these and mess up our
archives we intend to publish a few special issues in the next several

Remember that the journal's editorial policy is publishing material *of
interest* to anti-fascists. Few subscribers read every story in "What's
Worth Checking." Most read through the descriptions and then go to the
web/ftp site only for those stories covering their particular interests.


via <http://www.christian-aryannations.com/>

THE BARBARIANS ARE AT THE GATE!! Trial begins 8-28-2000, with 3 law firms,
up to 9 Lawyers.

Morris the Sleaze with his Jew Faggots swear they will destroy the Church
of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations!


They wish to give every white man and woman a lesson in "TOLERANCE" Marxist
style, a la good ole "Uncle Joe Stalin."

The first Amendment (by White men for White men) is being phased out for
the "New World Order!"


- - - - -

Legal Defense Fund

Greetings White Kindred,

The Church of Jesus Christ Christian-Aryan Nations is currently in a
lawsuit brought on by the Human Rights Task Force who has engaged in a
"marriage" with the Southern Poverty Law Center and Morris Dees. We have
secured an excellent lawyer for our defense. With this legal counsel we
will win a victory over the Human Rights Task Force and the SPLC for not
just Aryan Nations, but the entire White race. Morris Dees and his lawyers
can be beat, but lawyer fees are expensive.   The Church of Jesus Christ
Christian-Aryan Nations is making a call to ALL White people for help with
our Legal Defense Fund, because it could be your organization that could be
next on Morris Dees' "reign of terror".   The Southern Poverty Law Center
and the Human Rights Task Force must be stopped!

- - - - -

Aryan Brothers and Sisters

Can You Spare A Buck?

Aryan Nations needs your help to educate the WHITE RACE as to who they
really are.   The legal fight against the Jew Proselyte Morris "The Sleaze"
Dees has been a tremendous drain on our financial reserves.   So we really
need your help!!!   One dollar to as much as you wish to donate will be
greatly appreciated and put to a good use.

We go to trial Aug. 28th, 2000.   The trial could last from 1 week to 5
weeks depending if Dees brings in Christian Identity  -  in which case we
have the Jewish Talmud ( all 63 volumes ) to present to the court.

Please send your generous donation to:
CJCC-AN Operations Fund
PO Box 362
Hayden,  Idaho  83835

Thank you.
Pastor Richard G. Butler


For background on the trial, see:

Bryan Denson (The Oregonian) , "Suit Aims To Bankrupt Ayran Nations: Lawyer
    Morris Dees, who won a record judgment in the murder of Mulugeta Seraw,
    now seeks damages in an assault," 27 Jan 99. The Internet Anti-Fascist:
    Tuesday, 2 February 99 -- Vol. 3, Number 10 (#217)
Bill Morlin (Spokane Review), "Suit against Aryans set for trial in
    August," 13 Oct 99. TINAF <1223.txt>

- - - - -

For background on issues directly related to the Aryan Nations, see:

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Monday, 14 December 98 -- FTP Supplement #90
(#198): The Klan, Militia, and Skinheads ... Articles on the Idaho Aryan
Nations March
45) United Front Against Fascism/Seattle (no author), "United Front
     Against Fascism Calls on Coeur d'Alene Mayor to Support Anti-Nazi
     Protest," 15 Jul 98
46) Mark Jewell (Associated Press), "Neo-Nazi Marchers Head to Idaho,"
     18 Jul 98
47) Mark Jewel (Associated Press), "Supremacists Hold March in Idaho,"
     18 Jul 98
48) United Press International (no author), "Scuffle after white
     supremacists' parade," 18 Jul 98
49) William Stimson (Reuters), "White supremacists hold brief march in
     Idaho," 19 Jul 98
50) United Front Against Fascism/Seattle (no author), "Aryan Nations,
     Bo Gritz, Patrick Buchanan, White Aryan Resistance, the Christian
     Coalition, etc.... The Ultra-Right: What It Is & How to Fight It,"
     18 Jul 98
51) U.S. Newswire (no author), "ADL Backgrounder on New Head of Aryan
     Nations ," 20 Jul 98
52) Andrea Bauer (Seattle Gay News), "Protesters Battle the Aryan
     Nations and City Appeasement in Coeur d'Alene," n.d. (rec'd 19 Jul
53) Free Wolverine Campaign (no author), "Resisting the Aryan Nations:
     A First-Hand Account," n.d. (rec'd 20 Jul 98)

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 16 July 99 -- Vol. 3, Numbers 55 (#296)
Anti-Fascist Victory In Couer d'Alene or If You Confront Them They'll Go
     Away (editorial)
Brian Coddington and Bill Morlin (The Spokesman-Review), "Aryans granted

downtown parade,"  9 Jul 99
Nicholas K. Geranios (Associated Press), "Resort Town Prepares for 

10 Jul 99
Nicholas K. Geranios (Associated Press), "Neo-Nazi Parade Blocked in 

10 Jul 99
Bill Morlin, Brian Coddington and Ken Olsen (The Spokesman-Review),
    "Sit-in forces Aryans to skirt parade route: Marchers detoured as
    protesters form blockade,"  11 Jul 99

Peter Y. Hong and Ken Ellingwood (Los Angeles Times), "A Trip to the
     Birthplace of Racist Ideologies," 13 Aug 99, TINAF <1094.txt>
Martin Wolk (Reuters), "Shootings Latest In Crimes Tied To Separatists," 14
     Aug 99. TINAF <1102.txt>
Bill Morlin (The Spokesman-Review), "Supremacist draws town into debate:
     Racist church to gather in western Montana," 22 Aug 99. TINAF
Susan Drumheller, "Attorney sues two papers: Aryan Nations' lawyer says
     articles libelous," 28 Aug 99. TINAF <1131.txt>
Farhan Haq (InterPress Service), "Latest Shootings Show Reach of Racist
     Network," 12 Aug 99. TINAF <1137.txt>
Nicholas K. Geranios (Associated Press), "Hate Groups Plan New Year's
     Defense," 16 Dec 99. TINAF <1313.txt>
Spokane Spokesman-Review, "Seven North Idaho representatives back religion
     bill," 22 Mar 00. TINAF <1497.txt>
AP, "Aryan Nations May Forgo March This Summer: 'We're still up in the air'
     group's founder says," 15 June 00. TINAF <1589.txt>



The Internet Anti-Fascist: Sunday, 20 August August 2000
FTP SUpplement #164 (#456): Reports on Today's German Fascism -- Part 7
  0) Index of previous ftp supplements on Germany
45) Tony Paterson (The Guardian), "Neo-Nazis attack refugee hostel," 17 Jul
46) AP, "Germany acts against wave of neo-Nazi violence," 1 Aug 00
47) AP, "German police free bomb suspect for lack of evidence," 3 Aug 00
48) John Hooper (The Guardian), "German minister calls for ban on rightwing
     parties," 3 Aug 00
49) AP, "Berlin's Jewish leader criticizes investigation of Dusseldorf
     attack," 4 Aug 00

- - - - -

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Monday, 21 August 2000
FTP SUpplement #165 (#457): Reports on Today's German Fascism -- Part 7
50) CNN, "Protests follow German bomb blast that injured 10 immigrants," 5
     Aug 00
51) Reuters, "Germans march against right-wing violence," 5 Aug 00
52) CNN, "Hundreds protest racist violence in Germany," 5 Aug 00
53) Peter Finn (Washington Post), "Germany countering extremists: Nation is
     concerned that banning neo-Nazis may strengthen them," 6 Aug 00
54) Roger Boyes (The Times [of London]), "Neo-Nazis thrive on liberal
     barrage of hot air," 9 Aug 00


                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story6/>

Reuters, "ACLU Suspects Philadelphia Cops Spied on Activists," 26 Jun 00,
"The American Civil Liberties Union said on Monday it was trying to learn
whether Philadelphia police have been spying on activists who are
organizing a mass demonstration to take place on the eve of next month's
Republican National Convention. Activists long have suspected that law
enforcement agents scrutinize their press statements and monitor their
online discussion groups for information about upcoming marches and
demonstrations. Protest organizers said the cat-and-mouse game took a new
turn last week when two men appeared on the roof of the downtown
Pennsylvania Convention Center and began photographing members of a
coalition called the R2K Network as they arrived across the street for a
weekly organizing session." <1641.txt>

People for the American Way, "Supreme Court Sows Confusion With
Church/State Ruling," 28 Jun 00, ""In response to the Supreme Court's
ruling today allowing a Louisiana school district to use public funds to
purchase computers and other 'instructional equipment' for private and
religious schools, People For the American Way Foundation made the
following statement: 'The Court's ruling only further blurs the
church/state line, adding to the confusion already experienced by school
districts and taxpayers," said Ralph G. Neas, president of People For the
American Way Foundation. "This ruling increases the risk that citizens will
be forced to subsidize a school's religious mission, violating the First
Amendment's prohibition against government establishment of religion'."

People for the American Way, "Supreme Court Allows Boy Scouts to Hide
Discrimination Behind First Amendment:  Close Ruling Raises Troubling
Questions About Future of Civil Rights Laws." 28 Jun 00, "The U.S. Supreme
Court today ruled 5-4 that the Boy Scouts of America can discriminate
against gay men and boys by prohibiting them from becoming or remaining
members. People For the American Way Foundation filed an amicus curiae
brief with the Supreme Court in this case on behalf of James Dale, who was
expelled from the Boy Scouts because he is gay." <1643.txt>

Kirsten Scharnberg (Chicago Tribune), "Study Shows Hate Group Grows After
Rampage," 30 Jun 00, "Days before the first anniversary of Benjamin Smith's
shooting spree through Chicago, Downstate Illinois and Indiana, a local
organization that monitors hate crimes says the white supremacist group
Smith belonged to is growing. Calling the East Peoria-based World Church of
the Creator, a 'magnet for young, volatile white supremacists,' the non-
profit Center for New Community cited statistics that the World Church has
expanded from 41 to 76 chapters nationwide. The group is also recruiting
violent criminals in Illinois prisons and has created a niche for young
women by forming racist offshoot groups called The Sisterhood and Women's
Frontier, according to the report." <1644.txt>

AI (Press release), "Amnesty International demands equal rights and dignity
for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people," 2 Jul 00, "Lesbians,
gay, bisexual and transgenderd people around the world are still often not
recognized as "equal in dignity and rights" and continue facing repression
and harassment, Amnesty International said today. The organization's
Italian Section and LGBT Network are organizing an "International LGBT
Human Rights Rally and Press Conference" to be held in Rome on 2 July on
the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people. In
countries as diverse as Argentina and Malaysia, Brazil and Romania, Austria
and Venezuela, Australia and Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe,
and many more, people are persecuted, discriminated against, arrested,
tortured and even killed for their sexual orientation." <1645.txt>

AP, "CLU Sues Over Convention Access," 30 Jun 00, "A coalition of activists
bent on capturing the attention of Democratic National Convention delegates
sued the city and police department on Friday for greater access to the
August event site. Authorities plan to have a buffer zone around the
Staples Center and the Los Angeles Convention Center and set up
demonstration areas with a stage and sound system on the opposite side of
the centers' giant parking lots. The plaintiffs claim there is no way
delegates would ever see or hear protesters from that location. Daniel P.
Tokaji, of the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, said
that violates the protesters' free speech rights."  <1646.txt>

Christina Leonard and Antonio L. Sharp (The Arizona Republic), "Weekend
shootings may be race-related: They drove through the alleys of west
Phoenix neighborhoods, selecting targets: a woman holding her 8-month-old
boy, a man playing dominoes while barbecuing.," 30 Jun 00, "The men in the
car didn't say a word. They let a 12-gauge shotgun do the talking -
violence, police say, that may have been race-based. Two people were
wounded in Sunday afternoon's two-hour shooting spree. Five of the seven
families targeted were ethnic minorities. The attackers are described as
White." <1647.txt>

Frank Main (Chicago Tribune), "Victims of Smith sue gun industry," 30 Jun
00, "Almost a year after the hate-motivated shootings that left two dead
and several others wounded in Illinois and Indiana, a lawsuit was filed
Thursday on behalf of the victims. The suit names a gun shop, two gunmakers
and a gun trafficker." <1648.txt>

Dave Silver, "Feeding Illusions: Liberalism, Anti-Communism, and the
Democratic Party," Jul 00, "Liberals have historically always felt more
comfortable with the Right than the Left.  This follows logically from the
fact that they regard capitalist bourgeois democracy as the system that can
best meet the needs of the vast majority of people.  They mechanically
adopt the principle of organizing only within the framework of the system
and therefore feel that energy should be put into the Democratic Party
because 'that's where the masses are.'  The Democratic Party is not a mass
organization and masses are not 'in' the Party.  The masses are given a
choice of two evils, and vote for what they believe to be the lesser evil
since they have no alternative available.  Thus Liberalism, as it rejects a
radical class perspective, at the same time finds a new and comfortable
"center" where they buy into racist notions such as I'm for affirmative
action but against 'quotas' or that we should credit Rudy Mussolini with
bringing crime down." <1649.txt>

Bill Fletcher, Jr. (Black Radical Congress) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Police Terror and Economic Injustice: In South Carolina, the Fight's about
more than the Flag," 4 Jul 00, "At the Memorial Day national convention of
the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, a story emerged about an appalling
incident in South Carolina. No, this was not about the Confederate flag,
though it did concern efforts to halt progress. And, interestingly enough,
as important as is this incident, it has gotten precious little coverage,
particularly when compared to coverage which has gone  to the struggle
around the Confederate battle flag. The Charleston, South Carolina local of
the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) -- Local 1422 -- a
largely Black local of dockworkers, mounted a protest against an employer
who took the position that, in the words of Local 1422 President Kenneth
Riley, '...We are done with the ILA, we are going with an alternative
workforce.' Put more bluntly, the employer -- Nordana -- was going to bring
in non-union workers in order to break the back of the worker's
organization." <1650.txt>

Korean Federation of Trade Unions, "Thousand Workers One Day, Another
Thousand Workers the Next Day: Police Detention Centres Overflowing with
Workers," 2 Jul 00, "4 o'clock in the morning, more than 3,000 special
troopers of the police stormed the Lotte Hotel, downtown Seoul, to drag out
some 1,000 striking workers. The Lotte Hotel Workers Union has been on
strike since June 9 demanding 17% wage increase, change in employment
status of temporary workers to permanent employees, 40 hour working week,
and extension of retirement age. The Lotte Hotel took the spot light of the
world media when it was used as the main press centre for the south-north
Korea Summit between President Kim Dae Jung and Chairperson Kim Jong Il.
The striking union cooperated with the management by suspending the sit- in
strike at the Hotel and deploying staff to the press centre during the
period of visit to north Korea by President Kim Dae Jung." <1651.txt>

Helen Shooter (Socialist Worker), "58 dead isn't newsworthy," 1 Jul 00,
"The bitter chant '58 dead - nothing said' rang out from the 7,000-strong
march in London last Saturday in defence of refugees. It captures perfectly
the callous attitude of virtually all the press towards the 58 young
Chinese people who were found dead in Dover on Monday of last week. This
tragedy is the most significant since the Hillsborough football disaster in
April 1989 that saw 97 fans killed. Yet the Mirror chose England being
turfed out of Euro 2000 as its front page story the day after the Dover
tragedy. The Sun managed to put the Chinese deaths on the front page of
late editions of its Monday issue. But by Tuesday the front page was about
boxer Frank Bruno's divorce. The Independent summed up the media reporting:
'It did not attract quite the same kind of revulsion that might have
occurred had 58 dead dolphins or 58 Dalmation puppies turned up in the back
of the truck'." <1652.txt>

South African Communist Party (press release), "ACP Outraged at the Killing
of Comrade Bheki Mkhize," 31 Jul 00, " The South African Communist Party
(SACP) is outraged at what appears to be a deliberate assassination of ANC
MP, Comrade Bheki Mkhize. According to information we have, Comrade Mkhize
was shot during a supposed police investigation and search at his Nongoma
home yesterday morning. The SACP views the blatant and clod-blooded killing
of Comrade Mkhize (a democratically elected public representative) as a
deliberate provocation of our people, government and democracy. This
killing is a strong indication that within the SA Police Services there
continues to exist elements committed to destabilise our democracy and
particularly the KwaZulu Natal province." <1653.txt>

Jim Davenport (AP), "Confederate flag removed from South Carolina
Statehouse," 1 Jul 00, "After decades of debate and mounting pressure from
an NAACP boycott, South Carolina finally removed the Confederate flag from
atop its Statehouse on Saturday in somber ceremony that paid tribute to its
Civil War roots. The flag, seen as a reminder of slavery for some and a
tribute to Southern heritage for others, flew atop the Statehouse dome for
38 years. But protests over the flag continued even as it was being lowered
Saturday  as Civil War re-enactors raised another Confederate flag on
Statehouse grounds, in front of Confederate soldier's monument." <1654.txt>

Tim Reid (The Times [of London]), "ictims' roar of relief met by a smirk,"
1 Jul 00, "It WAS only a flicker, and passed in a moment, but as the dark-
suited jury foreman declared him a murderer, and an extraordinary roar
erupted from the massed ranks of his victims squeezed on to the benches
behind him, David Copeland smirked. The faded Edwardian grace of the Old
Bailey's Number One court, with its panelling of Austrian oak and domed,
baroque ceiling, has seen many terrible men brought to trial. But surely,
not once in its 93 years, can the court have been filled by such a
collection of maimed and crippled bodies, and such a sudden explosion of
noise and emotion. At 3.20pm, exactly 24 hours after the jury had been sent
away to decide David Copeland's fate, word came that they had reached a
verdict.More than 90 survivors of his three nail-bombs filed slowly into
court; some hobbling on crutches, others shielding their damaged eyes
behind dark glasses, and several with missing fingers. The procession took
a full ten minutes." <1655.txt>

Duncan Campbell and Paul Lashmar (The Independent), "The new Cold War: How
America spies on brits for its oldest friend -- the Dollar; Documents shed
light on US policy of covert surveillance of British and European
industry," 2 Jul 00, "It is the new Cold War. The United States
intelligence agencies, facing downsizing after the fall of the Berlin wall,
have found themselves a new role spying on foreign firms to help American
business in global markets. Documents obtained by the Independent on Sunday
reveal how the CIA and National Security Agency (NSA)  -- propelled by the
newly-elected Clinton administration's policy of "aggressive advocacy" to
support American firms compete for overseas contracts -- have immersed
themselves in the new hot trade war. Targets have included UK and European
firms. At stake are contracts worth billions of dollars. For America's
spies an important tool has been the global eavesdropping system known by
the code name Echelon, which has come to invoke the tag of the Big Brother
of the cyberspace age." <1656.txt>

AP, "Police Shut Brazil Soccer Fan Club," 4 Jul 00, "The fan club of a
prominent soccer team was shut by police after its leader was arrested and
charged with brandishing Nazi symbols." <1657.txt>

Phillip Pina , "Police investigate census incident: Officers' use of ID in
case questioned," 2 Jul 00, "Under heavy criticism by U.S. Census Bureau
officials, St. Paul police will conduct an internal investigation into the
actions of two officers who posed as census takers during an undercover
drug operation. This week, officials with the local Census Bureau office
blasted the officers' actions, saying it jeopardized the credibility of
census takers. By Friday, St. Paul Police Chief William Finney had ordered
an internal investigation into the matter, department spokesman Michael
Jordan said. A review by the civilian review board will also be done, he
added. The department has refused to name the officers involved in the
operation in June." <1658.txt>

AFP, "The air has ears: Echelon feeds US intelligence on Europe," 5 Jul 00,
"The American electronic surveillance system Echelon, currently under
investigation by French prosecutors, is widely suspected of being deployed
around the world, and particularly in Europe, as an instrument of economic
espionage. The European parliament voted Wednesday to set up an ad hoc
committee to examine the issues raised by Echelon, but moves to set up a
full committee of inquiry foundered on mainly British opposition. Based at
Fort Meade, Maryland, the network gathers information from listening posts
stationed in the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand,
with additional input from around 120 US satellites in geostationary orbit.
France has been angered at the loss of huge foreign contracts due to what
it believes is eavesdropping by the US National Security Agency (NSA) which
it says operates the Echelon system to spy on Europe's industrial secrets
through 24-hour electronic surveillance." <1659.txt>

Nicholas Watt (The Times [of London]), "May 2K: special report," 6 Jul 00,
"Green-fingered protesters, who dug up Parliament Square on May Day, have
had the last laugh after a crop of marijuana plants was discovered in the
shadow of Winston Churchill's statute." <1660.txt>

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