Re: another Soros mission

2002-06-13 Thread Michael Perelman

When we discussed Soros before, I mentioned that I thought that some of
his work is very positive; other efforts are bad.  He has been excellent
on prison reform, for example.  This is another example.  I don't think
that anyone has to buy into the whole Soros package to appreciate the
positive efforts.
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

another Soros mission

2002-06-13 Thread Ian Murray

Soros calls Big Oil to account

Terry Macalister and Charlotte Denny
Friday June 14, 2002
The Guardian

Billionaire financier George Soros yesterday called on Britain, the US and France to 
force oil
companies to disclose payments to governments as part of a global campaign to stamp 
out widespread
corruption in developing countries with vast mineral resources.

Backed by a range of non-governmental organisations such as Amnesty, Christian Aid and 
Save the
Children, Mr Soros claimed $1bn a year of Angolan oil revenues had "gone missing" from 
coffers since 1997 and it was up to western regulators to step in.

"They [oil majors] need to have their arms twisted for their own good," he argued.

Last night British groups moved to head off the criticism from the speculator-turned-
philanthropist, saying they would gladly disclose more details of payments to foreign 
governments in
the developing world - if required by stock exchanges.

Shell admitted that few such payments were made public but insisted it had no 
difficulty with
transparency as long as it did not conflict with confidentiality clauses in contracts. 
BP said it
had already been open about payments it had made to governments in countries such as 
although it was roundly criticised by ministers there.

US-based oil groups are said to have already expressed their concern about Mr Soros's 

Campaigners are calling on finance ministers in leading industrial countries to 
introduce changes in
stock market regulations to require resource companies to report payments to 
governments as a
condition of being listed.

This, they argue, would improve competitiveness, preventing more principled and 
companies from being undercut by less scrupulous rivals.

It would eliminate concerns about confidentiality clauses and address the problem of
non-transparency in all countries of operation.

"Secrecy over state revenues encourages ruling elites to mismanage and misappropriate 
money rather
than invest it in long term development," argued Mr Soros, launching the campaign at 
International Institute for Strategic Studies in London.